Warning for all computer users, especially girls?

Warning for all computer users, especially girls?

Virus camera captures images computer

- Warned the German institution that specializes in online appearance of a new spy program is designed to blackmail the victims through the images are captured to the user in secret through the camera's built-in computer.

According to the German Association for the Internet industry, "Echo" that should not be on the computer user feels turmoil of this method in extortion, stressing the need to take action to combat the virus immediately.

The Association pointed to the importance of the use of programs such as "Hitman Pro" to combat the virus.

She explained, "Echo" that the virus is sneaking into the PC via a letter "contaminated" by security flaws in computer software both in surfing the Internet or some additional applications such as Flash.

The idea of ​​the virus to stop the work of the computer and display a warning message on the screen that it has been the discovery of pornographic material to children, especially on the hard drive to your computer and then the program displays four images of child pornography and a fifth image of the user is captured using the built-in camera to the computer.

The program requires the use of "Hitman Pro" need to be downloaded initially on a computer is infected and then transferred as a file using a memory card from the computer to the proper infected computer where the b **** problem.

To avoid these kinds of problems in the future, experts advise the need to update Internet browsers, Flash and Java and the computer's operating system as much as possible in addition to the use of anti-virus software and malware.

Microsoft launched a campaign on the protection of data

Microsoft began the software giant large-scale campaign around the world to raise awareness about the need to protect the data, highlighting strengths are some special software company.

A spokesman for Microsoft said the campaign will continue throughout the six weeks on television and over the Internet and through the advertising banners in the streets and publications.

The campaign will present the results of an opinion poll conducted at the level of the world to show that most users are concerned about the integrity of the data, but they do not take any action on the guarantee protection.

The poll found that 84 percent of respondents in Germany were concerned about the integrity of the data, while 44 percent pointed to all of them that they have taken active measures to ensure their protection.


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