Mass Effect 2 Complete

                     Mass Effect 2 Complete


 An ancient evil lies dormant within Deepholm, the domain of earth in the Elemental Plane.
Mass Effect 2 begins weeks after the end of the first part. During a patrol of geth, the Normandy is attacked by an unknown ship and crew died, including Navigator Pressly. The rest of the crew is then forced to evacuate. During the evacuation, Shepard tosses Joker into the Normandy final escape pod before being blasted into space. After a suit breach, Shepard died of asphyxiation and his / her body is drawn into the orbit of a nearby planet. 


With the help of former squadmate Liara T’Soni, Shepard’s body is retrieved by a human supremacist organization called Cerberus and made the subject of “Project Lazarus,” whose only goal is Shepard’s resurrection. Once revived, Shepard awakes aboard a besieged station, and escapes with the help of Cerberus agent Jacob Taylor and Lazarus Project head Miranda Lawson. Immediately after, Shepard is given an audience with the Illusive Man, head of Cerberus.  

The Illusive Man informs Shepard that entire populations of human colonies are disappearing all over the galaxy; he believes the Reapers are responsible, and are working by proxy through an insect-like species called the Collectors. Shepard is convinced of the Illusive Man’s theory after visiting a recently-attacked colony called Freedom’s Progress, and agrees to help him stop the Collectors by eventually traveling through the Omega-4 Relay, from which no ship has ever returned. Shepard is given command of a new Normandy, piloted by Joker and equipped with an onboard A.I. named EDI.

Shepard recruits four new squadmates - Salarian scientist Mordin Solus, former squadmate Garrus Vakarian, convict Jack and genetically biotic Krogan Grunt - before receiving intel Man illusory another human colony called Horizon is under attack. Despite the influence of Harbinger, a powerful Reaper with the ability to take direct control of random Collectors at will, Shepard successfully stops the attack, but a large part of the population of the colony was captured. Following the mission, Shepard's reunion with former team mate Kaidan Alenko or Ashley Williams turns sour due to Shepard's alliance with Cerberus.  



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