Another invention laptop works 33 hours without charging ..- Enter to know -

Another invention laptop works 33 hours without charging ..- Enter to know -

Dell Laptop invent works 33 hours without charging ..

Dell has announced the computer for a new series of laptops from class

"Attitude" is working with the latest Intel processors for electronic chips and can operate

Continuously for almost 33 hours without having to recharge, but only run

Attached firmly batteries. And operates a series of new laptops from class to Attitude

E. screens ranging in size between 5.12 and 6.15 inches.

Dell has succeeded in reaching a device driver for the period Attitude E. 6430 to 7,32 hours.

This device operates a 14-inch screen and the latest processor produced by Intel chips

Electronic and carries the name "Ivy Bridge." The news magazine "Computer World" for officials

Company as saying in a newspaper interview that the device's battery longevity due to battery

Consisting of nine cells in addition to pack extra batteries are connected to a device.

The battery life was measured based on the way the normal use of the device.

Company officials said that Dell is trying to download the largest possible number of batteries inside

Device where the user can, for example the dismantling of some computer components

And replace it with a battery. Among the factors that help to save energy and thus extend the life of

Battery device that PCs Attitude fixed hard disk working parts

The more energy efficient than conventional rotary drive, in addition to processors

"Ivy Bridge" Intel's help in saving energy through some technical attributes such as

Potential shutdown unused kernel processor.

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