Easiest ways to cope with colds in the winter

              Easiest ways to cope with colds in the winter

With the onset of winter and heat rates change between day and night frequently with colds, and be a constant search of people to get rid of as soon as symptoms of colds that may hinder their daily activity and acquire a sluggish. 

                                      Colds :

Common cold is defined as a viral infection of the upper part of the respiratory system, which is an infectious disease transmitted from an infected person to person proper where the disease causes many different types of viruses also like influenza. Because the number of viruses that cause colds are many different it's hard to built the body resistant to all these types so difficult to treat colds and rather, it can be said that there is not a cure cold so far. 

           Symptoms of the common cold: 

Usually produces cold viruses belong to the family of viruses nose, these viruses attack the upper respiratory tract and which produce these symptoms: 

- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Cough "cough".
- Sore throat and a hoarseness.
- Headaches.
- Sneezing.
- Fatigue.
Cold symptoms can last between 5 - 14 days, and can also include mild fever "hottest". 

                     Get rid of the cold :

We offer you some ways and tips to relieve the symptoms of colds and rapid healing, including:
1) get adequate rest to your body and increasing the hours of sleep and avoid any binding daily activities do to feel better, and you'll avoid any matters or positions requiring nerve.
2) Drink plenty of fluids such as lemon juice and water for their significant role in the resistance to the cold and helps the flow of mucus and get rid of the congestion in the throat.
3) eat well, and a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, where supply your body with nutrients needed by the body to fight the cold virus.
4) antibiotics: Taking antibiotics in cases of colds has no Influence except in the case of the cold of a bacterial infection, not viral.
5) analgesics: Effect grabs be useful in the case of a fever, so they give feel better for a temporary time unless it is to follow the tips rest and good food. 

6) Gargle with warm salt water helps to soothe a sore throat and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes.
7) eucalyptus oil: Apply a few drops of this oil in the boiling water and can also put fresh mint and covering the head is inhaled fumes from this water is greatly help to alleviate sore throat and get rid of nasal congestion and blockage.

8) chicken soup is a popular treatments that are followed previously and had come a good result in the cases of the common cold.
9) Vitamin C: Vitamin C is described for years as a preventive measure for not caught a cold injury and would shorten the duration of colds when the infection.
10) Zinc, Gansing, garlic: studies found it one of the most important elements that help to resist the cold symptoms and get rid of it.
Can get rid of a cold quickly in the event have been dealt with since its beginnings, but if lasted more than two days or accompanied by vomiting and high temperature, then you must visit the doctor to consider carefully the disease, which may develop into a flu. 

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