Dom benefits

                                              Dom benefits


 scientific name him Hyphaene thebaica, and pharaonic name Mama betrayed, and in Jizan, Saudi Arabia known Balbhish, which originally Muammar Pharaonic Egyptian plant, as it is a kind of palm grows in Upper Egypt, very solid fruit about the size of an apple.

 Grow dearly on the banks of the valleys and mountainous areas and on rocky slopes. The edible part of the fruit is the outer part of the spongy, but they are very solid nucleus, which is the size of a chicken egg. 

                                   Uses :

Working papers used in baskets, ropes and wood on in carpentry and Dom fruits found in abundance in the tombs of ancient Egyptians, and can be used in the manufacture of dyes, coloring paints, toothpaste and plaster and paint and other centuries. 

                       Its health benefits: 

- Very useful for patients with high pressure.
- Works on the treatment of asthma.
- Addresses enlarged prostate.
- Uses soaked to the scalp hair germination. It is useful in cases of baldness.
- His very effective for lowering cholesterol in the blood "increase cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, heart and brain" .
- Plant Dom have a clear impact in the treatment of disorders sexual potency in men and works to increase the number of sperm, where he works to modify the hormone "testosterone", whose deficiency results than normal for a man or woman to health problems such Iiother on the power of memory, bone strength, energy and sexual potency in the foundation.
- For the treatment of infertility in women: eating a spoonful of tree pollen mixed with honey every day. As well as vaginal suppository made of pollen used hour before intercourse.
- Used Asarth in treat Alnoasir hemorrhoids as well as sores that affect the mouth and the treatment of certain skin diseases and relieve foot and leg pain.
- Often used pith to treat heat stroke where he is eaten raw, but if the fruit is dry and harsh can be crushed and taken three tablespoons a cup of water and drink daily. 

                    Method of preparation: 

Dom soaked in water for 6 hours or more and stir from time to time, even if it prefers hot after an hour and put it in the refrigerator.
Then put on the fire to heat only and does not let it boil because the taste becomes bitter, and this step just to sterilization.
Ntafa fire and sugar Nhalih, and the amount of sugar to taste.
Leave to cool and then busts refinery narrow holes .. And sputter Dom is harmless and can be eaten because Dom already eaten, in the sense that the juice if it is serene, it does not mean that it must be filtered again.
Kept in the refrigerator, preferably used in the nearest time, it's better to be fresh, it's fast damage. 

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