Norway the best place for new immigration ! ! !Norway

         Norway the best place for new immigration ! ! !Norway

Norwegian official languages
Capital Oslo
Largest city Oslo
Constitutional monarchy system of government
The head of state King Harald V
Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg ;385.199 sq km area .
Population 4593041 (estimate 2005)
Population density is 14 people / sq km
Currency Norwegian Kroner (NOK)
GDP U.S. $ 296 billion (2005)
GNP per capita U.S. $ 64.193
Time difference UTC +1
National anthem Ja, vi elsker dette landet Auto code N Online code no., Sj., Bv. International telephone code +47 .



 Kingdom of Norway is located in the north of the European continent in Scandinavia. Bordered by Sweden, Finland and Russia. They also have a sea border with the United Kingdom and Denmark. Population which does not exceed five million people is small compared with the country's surface area. Norway is the perfect title for all nature lovers, as it prides itself on being the best country in the world in terms of quality of living.


Can describe the nature of Norway as a relatively narrow strip of mountain ranges and highlands overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, peppered with numerous bays deep and thin, which reached the ocean depth Norwegian territory. Norway sometimes called the country Trulh (Trolle) and Faorda (Fjorde). The length of the beach 20000 km. Inside multiply rivers short and lakes rich in fish. Site are Norway in the far north-west Europe, extending to the northern end of the continent of Europe, where the Arctic Ocean, and is bordered by the North Sea from the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and Sweden and Finland from the east and Russia to the northeast, and the land Norway on a narrow rectangular shape, a length of about 2650 km, along the line of the outer coast, If أخدنا in mind Fayyordat Faisal length of 20.117 km, and added to the land of Norway, a large number of small islands adjacent to the North West coasts ...... 


Characterized land Norway differences regional sharp, and variation in their natural habitat, Viswdha Appearance mountain in general, and multiple sections of terrain in its territory, it is plain narrow represent human settlement to the hills of medium height or mountains round and other prominent, and along the coasts there plains undulating, and  many and which nominate (Vuordat), and operates a small area of ​​the plains territory of Norway, making agricultural land not exceeding 30% of the total land. Norway's highest peak is Mount Caldhbennin. And a height of 2469 meters  .


Affect site Norway in their conditions of climate,  by daylight in summer and vice versa in the winter, and you know the land of the midnight sun, and show sharp differences between summer and winter in a climate of Norway, is added to this effect highlands, and reduce the severity of cold winter water effect gases brought by the Gulf Stream , while the mountains in the interior Vemotun to icing, and in the summer enjoying the coastal areas and low summers mild, and flaking rain in large quantities, this difference in climatic conditions resulted in patterns plant multiple, there is forest areas, and prevail weeds and algae in other regions, while prevail aridity in areas multiple.


75% of the population live in cities, which are spread in all the lands of Norway, and less population density as we head north. 95.9% of people are Nrugiyn, including minority Commissioner (Saami) The Swedes, the Danes and other foreigners the rest of the population. Live groups Allab in northern Norway, and more than over 20,000 thousand people, and to Janém minority of Alphenlnden up nearly 10,000 people, and the majority of the remaining population of Norway from Alnrwigen, different population density is a clear difference in scale coastal increase density, within extends along the coast and likely no more than 15 km gather three-quarters of the population. 

Human activity

Live on agriculture about a fifth of Norway and controlled climatic conditions in agriculture, have been used Norway modern methods in agriculture, and used greenhouses in the production of vegetables, crops consist of barley and wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, and educates Norway livestock enough domestic consumption, and allows for the surplus issue , occupies wealth wooden important place in the economies of Norway. Annual output amounts to about eleven million cubic meters. And Norway initial European countries in fishing, and a fifth country in the world, and by the canning industry and drying fish, the industry Vchgl first place in the economics of the country, and I have used electric power on a large scale, and the most prominent industries by shipbuilding, textiles and wood industries, and paper industry, and Fish , electric tools, and Norway has a commercial fleet of the world's largest fleets.


Norwegian language is the official language of the country, which follows North Germanic languages, influenced by German Lower. Norwegian written language is divided into two parts: Bokmål (Bokmål), affected the Danish language and Nynorsk (Nynorsk), widely used in coastal areas. Writes 84% ​​of the Norwegian Balawly while using 16% the second. Along with Norwegian speaking part of the people of the North Sami language and Finnish.

In schools learning English is mandatory, German and French are optional.


Anglican Lutheran Church of Norway (also known as the Church of Norway) is the most important church in the country (followed by 86%). Protestants and Catholics make up 4.5%, Islam 2%, 1% other religions and 7.5% without religion or religions are not known.


Norway inhabited since the second century BC by Viking tribes. King Harald Hunhars (Harald Schönhaars) overcome tribal kings and managed to unite the country in 872 AD, which quickly collapsed.

1015-1030 complete reunification of the country and enter the Christian religion.

Between 1340-1814, Norway, Iceland and Greenland united with Denmark under the influence of the Danish crown. Norway declared itself independent in 1814.05.14 Following waiver Denmark Norway to Sweden after losing the first Napoleonic wars. Subsequently invaded Norway and Sweden announced the King of Sweden belong to her.

On the impact of political conflicts voice in 1905 by an overwhelming majority to solve the union with Sweden and the Prince of Denmark Declaration Haakon VII king of the country. European countries declared their solidarity with Norway.

During the First World War Norway remained neutral. Joined after the end of the war to the League of Nations in 1920.

Change the name of the capital Christiania to Oslo in 1925.

In World War II, Germany took over Norway in 1940 and the King Haakon VII invitation from exile in London to resistance.

Labour Party formed the government in 1945 after the end of the war and the liberation of the country from the Germans. And became Norwegian Foreign Minister  (Trygve Bratteli) first secretary of the United Nations. Norway is a founding member of NATO (NATO) in 1949, the Northern Council in 1952 and in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) in 1960.

Oil production began in 1971 from an oil field in the North Sea. Norwegian people rejected in referendums held first in 1972 and second in 1994 to join the European Union.


Political system
Most basic Norwegian paragraphs of the law which was issued in 1814 belonging mainly to the French Constitution. With Zllk was Jews and Jesuits are preparing illegal minorities (years 1850). Authority is divided into part executive (government) and part legislative (National Council). Royal Palace March pressures and some laws, especially those granted palace features a large staff. Deterioration of the political situation in the country in 1884, when the parliamentary system applied, did not become the palace any executive role. Number of members of parliament of 169, who are elected every four years. There are 437 commune or municipality, Norway organs also elected every four years.

Foreign Policy 

Norway is not a member of the European Union, where the Norwegian people reject accession referendum, but a member of NATO (NATO). Norway operates a policy of moderate generally try to resolve global conflicts as a problem of Palestine, where he was at home the signing of the Oslo agreement in 1993 between the Palestinians and Israelis, was the basis for the peace process that followed. Only 1.9% of the gross national product is spent on the military and military equipment. Participated by international forces in Afghanistan and many works of Norwegian soldiers under the umbrella of the United Nations forces for peace.

Administrative division and the most important cities
Norway is divided into 19 provinces administratively (Fylker). Capital Oslo is the smallest space.

Oslo is the largest cities. There are three other cities outnumber hundred thousand inhabitants: Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger.

Economy and infrastructure

Norwegian economy that follows the capitalist social system refreshed. State still controls several strategic sectors such as oil. Norway's largest oil producer in Europe and the third in terms of export in the world after Saudi Arabia and Russia. Government began to privatize many of its companies in 2000. Norway prides itself on being the best country in the world in terms of quality of living. Tourism contributed in recent years greatly increased state revenue.

Norway has a network length of 4077 km railway and road network length of 91,454 km. There are only highways around the big cities. Owns Norway 7/2 of SAS Scandinavian Airlines to fly. There two Dolaaan airports both in the capital and Bergen. Norway owns a huge fleet of ships and is one of the world's largest navigation. The most important ports are: Bergen, Kristiansand, Narvik and Oslo. Along the internal navigational routes of 1577 km.

Culture and Education

7.7% of gross national product for Norway goes for education, 7 percent for health and 8.2% for retirement and care for the elderly.

Norway lived cultural renaissance at the end of the nineteenth century. Most writers are: Hlburg (Holberg), Ibsen (Ibsen) and Hamson (Hamsun). Won three Nrugiyn Nobel Prize for Literature: بيورنسون (Bjørnson) in 1903, Hamson (Hamsun) in 1920 and Oondst 1928. Swedish Nobel Committee are determined by the annual Nobel Prize winner for peace. 

Months composer Edvard Grieg (Grieg).

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