Wild fish Piranha

                                        Wild fish Piranha

Piranha belongs to family Alserasalmana, which also includes grass-eating fish close to her from the same family called Balbako. In tradition, there are 4 types only is it really belongs to the family of Piranha, which Bristobrakon, Bajusynetzos, Bejoberestes and Serasamoos, due to the sharp teeth. Lived fish Piranha in the Amazon River, Alaorinoko, rivers, Guyana, River Barna, and the river San Francisco, some types of Piranha live in large areas of terrain, which stand out in the river more than the previously mentioned, the rest are stand out in a limited way.  

Is usually the length of piranha fish from 15 to 25 taller Santimitr, although some sailors found fish up to 43 long Santimitr taller. Are recognized Alserasamoos, Albraistoberakon, Albejusynetzos easily Albejoberestes because prominent teeth, piranha fish usually Maatmlk description alone of sharp teeth in each jaw, a close and interdependent, and this explains the speed of these fish in the shredder. 

 The piranha fish have severe binge eating meat .. So they spend on any living organism once he was in the region and be constantly mobile fish in large groups Athafez one place. The Piranha fish spend most of their time fishing, a big appetite for food, and rely piranha fish in the fishing methods and tactics such as: speed and surprise when fishing. 

Although they are a fishing trip in groups but when they attack their prey each fish is responsible for separate hunting prey. The advantage of this wonderful sense of smell fish but that the presence of blood in the water makes the fish in upheaval like crazy. 

They also feel any unusual vibration in the water around them, and this means that any movement in the water leads to attract fierce piranha fish directly to the location in large groups and can piranha fish to swallow the little fish all at once.

Bleach season from March to August, which put many thousands of eggs at one time, and the hatching period between 10 to 15 days depending to heat Mesear located. 

 As in the case of large fish they are attacked by cutting and tearing large pieces especially meat and swallow the pieces as quickly as possible to prepare for the following Balnhishh. In mud or water in times of scarce food be any animal entering the water for a drink vulnerable to predation by these fish. 

The piranha fish a nuisance to fishermen are tearing their fishing nets to open it and run away or you attack the other fish in the same network which makes caught in very troublesome network.

The risk of these fish lies in the jaw bottom is the source of strength that connects teeth sharp like the code and here the danger of Onalberana cut pieces from here that you own Piranha in swimming Zina you caution so that any error lose it (finger) and should be careful in feeding and cleaning. 

It was pointed out that the Piranha danger is not limited to fish, but also is the enemy of human beings and statistics indicate that in Brazil occur approximately 40 cases per week from injuries as a result of an attack Piranha. 

So necessitated this command on the Brazilian government to put Ochaabak signals and protect and warn people of this fish and separated swimming places them and here a clearer picture of Prohibiting and Preventing the handling of these fish internationally process to import these fish in the country of Jordan, for example forbidden and prohibited and the idea says a dealers fish that fear does not limited to humans only, but from the feet of some throwing this fish in a river or dam and the result is a reproduction and damage. 

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