Travel benefits permissible

                                                         Travel benefits permissible

Travel benefits permissible
Travel has many benefits referred Shafei God's mercy in saying:

Sets homelands gaining Ela and traveled in travel Five Benefits .

They gain relief living, science and ethics and the company of Majid .

If it is said in the Scriptures humiliation, intensity and cut the deserts and commit adversity .

The death of the boy better for him than his life Hwan House between the informer and the envious.

Valhafie God's mercy counting of the benefits of traveling five benefits, namely:

Breakthrough inspired, and the acquisition of living, and that science, literature, and the company of the good guys and glories.

Said Thaalbi: virtues of travel, that the author sees wonders Alomassar, Badaa'i diameters and fortuitous effects aggravated note the power of God Almighty.

Abu Hassan said Cyrene: Books to some of my brothers: like  man like stagnant water, if left change, and move disturb, in this Shafei says:

Traveled to replace people find unfailing and focused the delicious live in Monument .

I found parking water corrupted and lute at home type of firewood .

Among the benefits of travel dear, it raises the humiliation of man if the people of harmony, and if he lived in the center plan a do, and are waiting for him, and this man was a significant Filipges him about the land they know its value, has been received for Shafei also about this sense: he said:

Leave it out for yourself land ;nor parting parents were in the burning .

Vanbr raw manure in his compatriot and Westernization laptop on the neck .

Kohl kind of consideration by stones in the land which is thrown on the roads .

What sets won credited Ojmah became holds between the eyelid. 

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