Warning important to laptop users (Laptop)

Warning important to laptop users (Laptop)

- American family lost her son, the 25-year-old -
A son who just graduated from the university two weeks ago, returned to the house and went to lunch with his father after he decided to return to clean up and arrange his father asked him room waiting for his mother before he goes to the room, but decided to go .. After a few users neighbors black smoke comes out of the room .. The son died the 25-year-old .. 3 days of searching for causes of the fire that killed the son and after three days knew why, where he Allab Tom used by the boy where he put the boy laptop on the bed and stopped cooling fan lower in laptop out of him thick smoke contains carbon monoxide that killed son, who was asleep at the time. 

Reason for which it was transferred from the news of the New York Times that many of our sisters and our children Adau laptop on the bed please told them that there is a real danger of this and make it the base if not Put the laptop on endothelial bed or carpet .. Please publish .

May God reward .....

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