How do animals and birds that control the world

How do animals and birds that control the world

We always think that we humans above the rest of the creatures on earth and even stronger, of course, this is true in terms of the spirit, but the spirit which neglects an important fact is that these organizations have capacity, it can make war on us and won.

Learn the secrets 

The available capacity in birds, in particular, can talk like a parrot, this magnificent bird can imitate human language to learn by listening, adventurers that are mentioned in the forests down, they heard voices speaking and research, they found birds found in forests, where they met, that these birds can learn the language and signs, directories and you teach, it is expected that these organizations against eavesdropping on secrets revealed to oppression human.

Representative capacities 
There are types of snakes can adapt to the environment of the same color, it can not distinguish be easier for your hunting, but that happens if you can avoid it and you hit her? ! Please be aware that some analog features snakes to convince you that this is not living, be assured that we take the initiative you by a surprise attack.
Possession of poison 

One of the more dangerous weapons possessed by some animals and insects such as snakes and scorpions and spiders are poisonous, you can imagine a small object in his finger has the ability to destroy your objects with larger sizes, so toxins are an effective force of mammals in general.
Masking and self-sufficiency 

Assuming that a war between humans and other living beings, human characteristics of mind and thought which has earned the ability to predict and manage things, animals, they manage, which makes able to hide in places nobody thought to get more food from their own sources, which makes them simply for the period exceed months, so the idea of ​​a war can be long-term in their favor.

Infinite capacity to feel 

Some animals have the ability to sense imminent danger, and when this happens it is organized according to the strategy, or hide either attack or set up traps, so no reduction depends on intuition and organizational capacity of the lethality difficult or impossible. 

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