Treat women kindly

                                Treat women kindly

Women before Islam was stolen digestible rights will quite helpless on, low in status, but ended up stopped in its tracks, in ignorance that preceded the coming of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Then came the Islamic Sharia Voaadt her position, and lifted her injustice, and recommended to save their rights and uphold the will, but made her sister men in all legal provisions, says the Prophet, peace be upon him: (women are the twin halves of men) Narrated by Ahmad and Tirmidhi

And above all, recommended the Prophet peace be upon him and will own, Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (Treat women, the women were created from the rib, although crooked thing in the rib above, I went hosted break it , but his legacy is still crooked, Fastousoa women) agreed, and in utter Muslim: (Treat women kindly).

Explanation talk .

Wanted the Prophet peace be upon him to recommend men nation from their husbands, fathers and brothers and other women, he said: (Treat women kindly) any Accept my will therein, and do them and Attach them and do good , and exhort one another among yourselves kindness to them, then explained the nature Khalguethen even be claimed for the work that commandment, he said: (the woman created from the rib) indicate that Eve is created from Adam's rib left, and borrowed rib of Og ie: speak out freely created the warp, Vkonhen are created out of crooked, not preparing use them only Bmdarathen and patience on Aauajjajhen (although Crooked something in rib above) that is crooked what the women of her tongue, (the go hosted break it, but his legacy is still crooked) Any if you want them to leave Aauajjajha led it to leave her, and in this he urged compassion for them, and it does not مطمع in Astqamthen , (Fastousoa women) including seal perfectly began notification request their wills, and increased emphasis Balazaar in replace .

Nawawi said: "we are encouraged to Humane women and charity to them and the patience to Og Okhalagahn, and the possibility of weak minds and hatred divorce for no reason, and it does not  in Astqamthen," said Alkstalani: "In the modern scars to politeness to win souls and consisted of hearts, and the policy of women taking pardon them and patience on Augen, the Ram Tqoiman death benefit them, with that it is indispensable to man about a woman who lives on the use by a pension. "

Vulnerability and their need

Has singled out the Prophet peace be upon him women notable for their vulnerability and their need to based Bamorhen, no doubt that women in a form of weakness, which is not vulnerable in disgrace, it is not intended them side, and by the last Mahmoud desirable.
Either side is meant is weak structure and body, and this does the trick with it, not Alovernmn a it, and the side Mahmood is in the weakness of the heart and emotion, meaning paper feelings, and quietly foul, which no doubt is a good thing in women, and the more - without overeating - was nicer and nicer.

Covered by the commandment of the Prophet

It should be noted that the commandment to women include:
- Lack of response efficient suitor, his religion and morals, says the Prophet, peace be upon him: (If someone whose religious commitment and character then marry, but do not oppression in the earth, and a broad corruption) Narrated by Tirmidhi and.
- Non-infringement of her dowry, he owned her alone, an estimate them, and standing with some of their rights, and instead enjoy the pair out, it is not permissible for parents or guardians capture or capture him, said the Almighty commanded so: {and Ouatwa ٱlnads Sedkthen Bee} ( Women: 4).
- Give women the right of inheritance, and the prohibition of writing a will for males without females, or distribution of the estate in contravention of the Holy Book. 

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