The best place to live in America

                  The best place to live in America 

Many readers ask me about the best place (state or city) of life in America. The question usually comes of those planning to migrate and face a loss of choice. Adding to the confusion is no doubt many choices, America dozens of states, and each state hundreds of cities. 

  Pink first of the new immigrants that the best place is usually the city or the state where you know a friend or relative can help you at the beginning of your move to understand life in the new country you. Remember, you will not live at all in the first city moves to in America, what is important is to find some stability in the early stages and get used to life and move in America, then it will become moving out of town or out of state is possible if you want, as long as you did not buy a house, a step should not occur until after an intention and conditions for lasting stability in the region.
Also remember that it will not be able to answer this question one individual simply because he lives in America. I, for example, lived in four different states over ten years spent in the United States, and I can tell you more about the areas in which they lived, but I do not have experience in more than forty other state not lived. Indeed, the quality of life may differ between the city and the other within the same state. Therefore, there is no clear answer satisfactory and definitive on this question.

  There is no doubt that the first factor to choose a city that is a source of livelihood. So people are moving interstate if they get better jobs. Therefore, the first factor in the selection must be type work . According to your business or source of sustenance, you search for the best cities suitable for your industry. The search on the Internet will provide many answers in this regard, The Wikipedia site, for example, provides an overview of the cities, including the underlying economy. You can also search the job sites on the Internet for a job that suits you in a number of cities that are trying to compare, and to pursue these opportunities through a period of time will give you an idea of ​​the extent provided in each city. 

  There are general criteria for selection can Osrdha are as follows:

1 - you have to choose state suits climate in summer and winter. The climate varies radical differences between American States, some of which is for some thousands of miles away. My personal experience ranging from the far south in Florida, where winter is sunny and warm, and hot, humid summers and rainy, and as far north as New York state and then the city of Chicago, where summer is short and warm winter and very cold (up to twenty below zero). Of course, would be a cold winter resident punishment, all residential units and indoor central heating, will not be exposed to extreme cold only time you exit to the street. But you will suffer from the absence of the sun for a long time and the inability to spend a long time in open spaces do not have heating. If you love the sun and the warmth Stay away from the northern states if you can. 

2 - housing prices of the most important factors to choose your city and according to your budget. Housing costs in general in the states of the west coast of the U.S. (such as California) is higher than in the states of the eastern seaboard and the middle. The smaller cities are cheaper than larger cities.

3 - If you want to live in the city and Arab community Arab mosques and shops you should stay away from small-sized cities, the larger the magnitude of the city were foreign communities, including Arabic, the largest number. There are well-known towns sizeable Arab community, such as New York City, and Detroit, Michigan, and Los Angeles, California, and Chicago, Illinois.

4 - America's public transportation is not sufficiently available in all cities. If you go the first thing I went to the city does not have public transportation reliable, plans are to buy a car (price ranges cars between thousand dollars - or less - for a used car is not without problems even 20 thousand dollars or a little less or more for a new car. And can get Used car very reasonable condition within five thousand dollars). The big cities are providing excellent public transport links, such as New York and Chicago, for example.
Beyond these general tips, thinking first in states that know a friend or relative wants to help you understand life in America and to deal with it, you'll choose different according to the conditions of each migrant. First you should write in clear points basic requirements, then search according to these criteria. 

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