Statistic : Facebook most visited globally and Google

Statistic : Facebook most visited globally and Google 

Showed the latest data released by Foundation "ComScore" the statistics that the social networking site "Facebook" is the most visited websites around the world at a rate 836.7 million unique visitors per month, followed by a search engine "Google" b 782.8 million

And occupied the site "YouTube" third rate of 721.9 million visitors, then "Yahoo!" IV 469.9 million, and occupied the encyclopedia "Wikipedia" in fifth place at 469.6 million visitors.

The five Chinese websites in the top twenty, occupied the Chinese search engine "" and "" one-two Chinese and the seventh and ninth as the most visited websites globally, at a rate of 284.1 and 268.7 million unique visitors per month, respectively.

According to the Foundation "ComScore", occupied the e-mail service "" Microsoft's sixth place at 389.5 million visitors, then drive "" Chinese, then "" b 271.7 million, followed by Chinese search engine "Baidu . com ", came" "in tenth place at 254.1 million visitors.

For centers of the twentieth century until the first, it was on the line, blogging site "Blogger", then the search engine "", Chinese Valmottagr "", followed by "Twitter", and the search engine "Bing", The Chinese search engine "", then Apple "", and blogging platform "", and finally the Chinese gate for multimedia "" then shop Amazon "". 

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