How to quickly gain muscle without eating meat

Download top muscles may take some time, with the note that you need a good diet and a rigorous workout and most importantly, get enough protein, usually, some believe that the entry of meat, but the fact that there are other ways you can give your body plenty of protein. 

1) when the direction of the exercise should be planning for the order, you must keep your body hydrated and full of fluid per week and continue to eat to perform at least one day in advance.

2) days prior to the training you need to look for foods containing fat and fat-containing unsaturated and need a lot of carbs and sugar and some protein dinner previous training is very important and you need to eat a meal filled with carbohydrates such as pasta containing carbohydrates are long and full of fiber.

3) breakfast on the day of the training should be a combination of carbohydrates and protein and oatmeal is usually good choices to contain some protein and lots of carbohydrates, you also have orange juice or other fruits without added sugar.

4) Always drink water before, during and after training in weightlifting and do not forget to absorb water and do not drink in large doses.

5) lunch meal complex, so you'll need a combination of protein and carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism response set is not good during the workout, so make sure you eat things like Turkey sandwiches and lots of vegetables without too much sauce and other substances added to sandwiches.

6) dinners must contain lots and lots of protein, but if you prepare for the next practice would need some carbohydrates and the choices you can eat: flat (Sukiyaki) containing beef and noodles, vegetables, the wetovo is a balanced diet contains a lot of protein.

7) the day following the training you need to go back if you want the best results, it is necessary to keep your body full of fluids where you practice days and days of rest to prepare for the next day , you have a light breakfast is carbs and protein, and lunch must contain monounsaturated preferably unsaturated and dinner should be small and light meals. 

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