Ten beautiful tourist places in China

      Ten beautiful tourist places in China

In China has one of the oldest and most prestigious civilizations. The Chinese civilization include many places and historical monuments and famous attractions that attract tourists annually. 

Review your most important tourist places that you can visit in China: 

1) Great Wall of China:

Great Wall of China is a fence runs along the border in northern and north-western China (People's Republic of China), Chnhuangtao the Bay of Bohai Sea (Yellow Sea) in the Middle to Gautay area in Gansu province in the west. Been building another wall to the south, and extended from the Beijing area to Handen. The Wall of China from one wonders of the ancient world, which was built manually without machines built in the fourth century BC, is the tallest building in history extends for about 6400 km was in the old is a shield to protect the northern border of the enemy and the invaders In today became considered the most prominent tourist sites in China, annually visited by more than 130 million visitors from around the world. 

2) Potala Palace:

Potala Palace is the famous group of palaces in the form of a castle located on the summit of Mount Hongshan city of Lhasa in Tibet. The palace dates back to more than 1,300 years, was founded in the seventh century. Rise Potala Palace more than 3,700 meters above sea level, the total area of ​​more than 3,700 square meters, its length from east to west 360 meters, and width from south to north 270 meters, under the Potala Palace headquarters of the Dalai Lama until 14th Dalai Lama, who fled to India, After the Chinese invasion in 1959. Expresses the highest and most luxurious collection of buildings in the world, gathered between palaces, castles and temples. 

3) Forbidden City:

Imperial Palace or the Forbidden City of the historical monuments of the city of Beijing. The palace is located in the heart of the city, and to the north of the field "Tiananmen. Classified by UNESCO within the World Cultural Heritage. Is one of the most important tourist destinations in China.
The Imperial Palace is located in downtown Beijing. And was the residence of the emperors of my family, "Ming" and "Qing". And known as "Forbidden City". Construction took 14 years (1406-1420). It is the largest collection of ancient palaces saved in China.
There at the Imperial Palace about a million pieces of rare artifacts. And today a comprehensive museum combines ancient architecture and monuments Empire and various ancient arts. 

4) Port Victoria:

Victoria Harbour is a natural harbor situated between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula in Hong Kong. The depth of the water in the harbor and its strategic location on the South China Sea, was instrumental in the establishment of a British colony in Hong Kong and later developments as an international business hub. Throughout its history, the port saw several reclamation projects on both beach, but still retains turn as a port for thousands of international vessels each year.
Famous scenic port where the port is one of the major tourist attractions in Hong Kong. Considering its location in the middle of dense urban land area, hosts the annual presentation of the harbor fireworks also includes parks and popular gathering places for tourists and residents. 

5) the mud army " Terracotta Army ":

This place is the city of Xian   in northwest China, and time is the year 246 BC, when he ordered China's first emperor Qin Shin Huang building this army to be buried with him when he dies, and is then Ken that there is no two are alike in this army whole, and this is what has already been brilliantly surprising.
Where he attended nearly 700,000 people to build thousands of mud symmetry of others with minute features similar to an amazing degree, and put it in the oven temperature up to a thousand degrees Celsius, and then left to cool and colored and decorated! 

This has been built mausoleum makes it difficult for anyone discovered, and already has not been discovered only by accident in 1974 when a group of local farmers digging a well, to discover this legendary army. Three pits were discovered so far, and this includes drilling approximately 8,000 fighters with administrators, musicians, and 130 b 520 hp vehicle, next to the 150 hp of the knights! Experts predict that there are many pits containing more terracotta soldiers has not yet discovered!
UNESCO has added this shrine to the list of World Heritage in 1987 for its value is priceless.
It is worth mentioning that the Chinese authorities to prevent filming or enter the shrine with the exception of some small places that have been opened to the public .

6) Li River Cruise:

Cruz River runs me from Guilin to Yangshuo, one of the most important rivers in China, where it extends on both sides of the river amazing landscapes with stunning hills, and in the self-time you can see the steep cliffs, caves and wonderful farming villages. Scene that you'll see along the river makes it one of the most important tourist attractions in China

7) Mount Huang:

One of the major tourist destinations in China, Mount Huang or mountain yellow is a mountain range in the east of China. I can find in this area animals, including pine trees, as I am the tops of these mountains of granite problem in strange forms in the form of points. Currently this area where there are corridors and vehicles can move people to the peaks to enjoy beautiful landscapes

8) Leshan Giant Buddha:

Statue of Leshan Giant Buddha is located at the confluence of three rivers in the southern part of Sichuan province, near the city of Leshan in China. This statue was built during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The statue is the largest Buddha statue carved in the rock in the world. Actually incorporated the region where giant statue as a World Heritage site since 1990 by UNESCO. The statue was not damaged by the earthquake that struck China in 2008

9) Mogao Grottoes:

Mogao Grottoes is an ancient caves dating to 1600 years ago located in Gansu Province, northwest China. Containing an ancient cave wall charts, and is found in caves more than 2000 units of colorful sculptures and 45 thousand square meters of frescos in more than 730 caves spread in the 1,600 meters along the plateau. And suffered a lot of murals for the types of deterioration is the rainfall and erosion and separation from walls, although most of the caves were closed and remained closed to the public. Become caves Site No. 440 in the World Heritage List of UNESCO in 1987

10) Pudong District:

Is the Pudong district of Shanghai on the east side of the Huangpu River, which emerged as China's financial center and trade. Horizon towering skyscrapers rising from what was farmland just only 20 years ago. Skyscrapers includes symbolic Oriental Pearl Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, Jin Mao Building and Shanghai Tower which must be completed in 2014

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