Definition of the religion of Islam

Definition of the religion of Islam

 In the name of God the merciful
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings
Praise be to God, we praise Him, and seek His help, and forgiveness, and Nstahedah, and we seek refuge with Allah from the evils of ourselves, and disadvantages, of our business Allah guides not misleading him, and not mislead Hadi, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
Says Almighty God: {It is the best word to those who called God and work righteousness and said I am a Muslim} (separated: 33)

Call Allhaa task entrusted by God messenger peace be upon him he says: O Amma * Arise and warn} and commissioned by God this nation as he says: You are the best nation out of people, evolved for Promotion of Virtue and forbid evil and believe in Allah}. It is a great virtue as important apostles and prophets, and they supervised and noblest of creation God, and they are chosen by God to guide people, and scientists are the heirs of the prophets, and Kiemanmbaldauh Allahoazm gracing them.
And Vdilda'oh to God that called for guidance will have a reward like those who follow him, without that detracting from their wages something. It is called to misguidance was his sin like those who follow him, without that detracting from their sins something] (Narrated by Muslim). And calling of God are for which honor God by the Nation of Islam are all making them so good nation out of people, because they carried the message of God to the worlds , and all nations struggled to understand the best people for the people. 

- Sites:

- First Site:

Where Sheikh Yusuf Estes impressive definition of Islam

- The second location:
Special of the Prophet peace be upon him who does not know in ten languages .

- The third site:
Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran and the evidence to prove the truth of Islam .

- The fourth site:

Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam contains 14 languages

- The fifth site:

Definition of Islam across the conversation to the Internet ", which carries the goal of providing an opportunity for those interested in the world to get to know the truth of Islam and to answer their questions and remove suspicions raised by the media biased including highlights bright side to this great religion and through individual chat direct between two people (person / per capita), which allow prudence in modern and advocacy wisdom and good advice., location is one of the projects, "the world body to introduce Islam has the most languages. 


- Sixth Site:

  Is distinct from the site that talks about Islam in all its aspects and briefly and useful so that gives you a full and comprehensive perception about Islam and its width is simplified. Indicating what are the objectives and principles of Islam and his staff and duties encompassing a scientific miracles in the Quran which cares primarily to invite non-Muslims all sects.
It contains 3 languages, namely English, Spanish and German.

- The seventh site:

Is a site dedicated primarily to non-Muslims where it displays the date and status of women in general in the previous societies that before Islam (as Chinese, Indian and Jewish, Romanian and Greek) then shows the virtues of Islam towards women and how injustice them and ساواها and make them sister guy then between women's rights fully in Islam and in the last Responses to some suspicions raised always about women, such as polygamy and the veil and traveling alone and duty towards her house. contains 6 languages, namely: English, French, German, Spanish, Polish and Russian. 


- Eighth Site:

This site presents Shi of history and biography of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him indicating qualities and dealing and how relationships with others and call methods and Aadinm prime locations in the biography. Contains only one language is English.

  - Site IX:

  Site directed to non-Muslims in all religions and their teams as it shows something of the scientific miracles in the Quran and Mbenna greatness of God and miracles. Contains only one language is English. 


  Site X:

If you know the safest modern and want to explain to him the first steps in Islam, what you only Tahedah this wonderful site. He cares including newly safest and explain to him how to perform ablution and prayer and fasting of Ramadan and Hajj, etc. and the site will be translated into 6 languages .

- Acute Site ten:

A site geared to those who only speak the Filipino language is primarily interested to invite non-Muslims and new Muslims and contains articles meaningful and varied. 


- Twelfth site:

The site integrated work teams and supervised by science students from Russia, a country interested in inviting non-Muslims and to educate and sensitize the Russian-speaking Almsameen is conveniently in scientific articles and subtraction.

  - Site XIII:

Interested in inviting the Japanese site of Islam, education and Tarafém this great religion and runs it integrated work teams and renews constantly and is one of the few sites that calls to our great religion in Japanese .

  - Fourteenth site:

Site speaks of the names of Allah and the 99 Name and explaining their meaning and explainer. Contains only one language is English.

  - Fifteenth site:

Is the site of a mini library and directed to non-Muslims and new Muslims so that establishes the first steps to enter in Alaslamuehtoa 8 languages ​​English, French, Spanish, German, Danish, Polish, Finnish and Italian. 


  Do not forget of good prayers

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