First aid for serious pieces

First aid for serious pieces
 We are constantly some injuries during cooking in the kitchen or during repair something or even workers can be exposed to some of these injuries to cut dangerous pieces with a sharp object which can be simple, which means they do not need to first aid so we speak in this article talking about serious injuries when cut with a sharp instrument and this time you need to make some first aid until the emergency comes

 1. Stop the bleeding

In cases of pieces Mini does not happen bleeding In serious cases must be pressed lightly on the wound with a clean cloth so continue every keystroke from 20 to 30 minutes and is not true that Tzer fell bleeding wound every short period, it will not stop the bleeding, and bleeding does not stop you to ask for help immediately.

2. Clean the wound:

Try to clean the wound with clean water and do not use soap it will increase the poor wound so it must only clean water only if I saw that the wound is dirty dramatically should use a disinfectant such as alcohol to neutralize bacteria or what could be would adversely upon open wound or cause inflammation and there is no need to use any of the compounds hydrogen peroxide or iodine .

 3. Use of antibiotics:

After cleaning the wound, place any ointment or cream is a antibiotics so as to maintain surface moisture wound and errors accepted when a lot of people that the antibiotic will make the wound heal quickly, but the fact that the wound will remain the same, while continuing to develop antibiotic because function counter Dynamic is to stop the infection Ballbecktiria or inflammation so that the process of wound healing, healthy, but before applying the antibiotic on the wound must make sure it does not contain substances that cause allergies infected by putting a few of the antibiotic in any area of ​​skin and wait for the results if there are no any redness or inflammation can be used with the wound and only you must find another antibiotic does not cause allergic reactions to the injured.
4.Cover the wound :
Use clean bandages to cover the wound where would keep him away from the friction and bacteria as Stazlh air which accelerates the process of wound healing.
5 .Changing dressings :
Change the bandages every day or at least whenever I 've found has been stained or covered with blood.
 6. Use deep stitches the wound:

Must be used stitches for wounds that have depth greater than 5 mm or in the case of wounds that bleed when infection in the muscles that is customary in medical circles But if you you can repeat the Nglg wound through adhesives (plaster) and bandages there is no problem so should be used stitches to close the wound and this patient must go to the doctor to prevent infection or mistakes.

 7. Some preventive steps:

Should follow the wound from time to time so that notes how reddening or exposure to infections It is better to take the patient an injection tetanus prophylaxis of diseases and bacteria that can be transferred wound.

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