How to get rid of jealousy:

How to get rid of jealousy: 

The feeling of jealousy is normal through most people, especially if there is someone who has a special place in your heart, and happy to spend time with him, but jealousy is often dangerous and cause tensions and possibly ending, so we will look at simple ways that we have been able to get rid of jealousy. 

1) some cases feel jealous, so you know your friends to spend time with other people, or feel that you are persona non grata with some knowledge or feel that your parents were your brother better than you.

2) try to build your confidence and get rid of these concerns, the patient, the primary cause of jealousy is lack of confidence and fear of loneliness and darkness and permanent future someone feeling alienated or nobody wants authenticate.

3) avoid comparison with others, you set up a new friendship with someone who thinks he has everything to make you discover the many hidden conflicts in her life and that each of us has specific problems and endless, even celebrities who seem happy and smiling face many difficult times that can be sadder than to have in your life.

4) are not included in the comparisons are not the first and not the last, as the calculation of the time spent by someone with you and compare it to what he does with another person, these things n ' not help anything increase hatred and mistrust and possibly cause many of your loved ones.

5) acted against what someone is jealous, meaning if you feel jealous and I was about to explode, she orders someone, breathe deeply and calmly and confidence as if you do not worry, it will help you overcome.

6) paranoia may be a reason that contributes to the spread of jealousy, so do not go there, your imagination and give you more rights, which may expose you to shock if the other failed or you has disappeared from your life without having to tell you.

7) trust is the most important thing in the subject of jealousy, perhaps because of a painful past jealousy in the past, therefore, better for you to stop thinking about the past and start a new page as if you did not pass all the tests before.

8) Listen to your feelings about what he feels for those nearby and not surprised by the strange reactions when one of your friends is not interested and does not give you any attention.

9) always been encouraged to see people around you in a positive and in good faith, human beings are not equal and you will find a lot of good people in your life, and others do not deserve your trust, not offend misunderstood by quite recognizable. 

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