How to impress the track for the first time?

How to impress the track for the first time?

Leaving a positive impression on the first interview with the employer or any other person for the first time offset by something very important because the first impression is the foundation on which to build your future in this business or relationship

            1) impress other clothing :

This review is old, but suitable for all ages, although the fashion these days is different from that of 10 years, as they become more dependent on informal clothes at official meetings, but it is always important to wear the right equipment and neat and clean that portray you trust. No, you should not leave a bad impression before you say another word. Because print dress well groomed impress you careless in your clothes and in your business

                     2) speak clearly :

Not to infect the listener you embarrassment and confusion, you should speak with clear pronunciation and words with an emphasis on fast speaking voice organizer. Use correct grammar, do not attempt to use the words of your shuffle to leave a positive impression on purpose. Remember that if you eat other words they ignore you, then, be polite and friendly all the time

3) use the name of the person you are talking to
When you mention:
 the name of the person you are talking to the first interview with him leave the impression that there is a personal relationship between you and it felt important, that you have from the beginning, a more positive impression when you mention his name again in the second meet you. 

                     4) avoid lifting jokes :

Certainly humor makes the overall atmosphere of the speakers together more gently and lightly, but if you are not careful to take this joke is completely against-productive result. So avoid jokes in the first meeting is a safe way. And if it must do so, you must make sure you say something short words never hurt anyone

                5) Be a good listener :

Being a good listener is not a difficult task, as some think. All you have to do is to make you aware of the speaker you pay attention to what they say. And do not hesitate to confirm this by a nod or say "yes" or "do you really understand" and similar words talk participation. Do not be afraid to questions, you can ask the President what you said, if you do not understand. Finally, here's Cross speaker is one of the worst acts that may be committed in the context of dialogue with anyone, just do not work

6) make the other person focus your attention :

Keep your center speaker is here and not leave the impression that you are a selfish person does not care about others and so they can work through confuse you talk to yourself. Be the issue of sustainable another look at more gently and carefully

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