How to improve your fitness

                          How to improve your fitness
Do you feel a lack of energy in the middle of the day and your inability to continue working with the same effort you spend many hours abroad and want to keep your physique to do anything if you Please without feeling tired? Here are some simple tips to help you do this easily. 

1) physical condition not only the body but also a state of mind, which must be developed through study and participation in the company and, ultimately, the most important point came: activities stimulate the muscles and exercise.

2) tried to balance the food you eat in the morning and evening are the most important throughout the day and is responsible for providing the body with the energy it needs.

3) Start your day with cereal or fruit or fruit juices such as orange, rich in vitamin c.

4) try to deal with food grains and bread, protein-rich foods such as eggs, with hazelnuts, if possible.

5) exercise for two hours per week, 20 or 30 minutes each day, using machines gym or through the exercise of jogging or cycling.

6) healthy dinner early and no problem with fast food, preferably dinner includes vegetables, protein and fruits, when you get to the stage diaphragm apertures eat until you have complications occur not during sleep.

7) Make sure you go to bed early and sleep for 7 hours all the way to not feel tired and angry when you wake up.

8) also avoid sleep for long hours is increasing laziness and can derail your appointment. 

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