10 reasons why the dolphins most fabulous animal

          10 reasons why the dolphins most fabulous animal:

God has created the dolphins as a unique type of marine animals differ greatly from each fish and sea creatures in it is attracted to people and save them and help them and loves presence near humans unlike other marine creatures so they have a set of characteristics that make them more than wonderful animal .

Loyalty dogs: 

This video shows how the Dolphins can play with the dog .

2. Invent games to play with the whales: 

In a strange phenomenon was recorded on the beaches of Hawaii to Dolphin and
 whale playing with each other has been lifted dolphin and whale in the air out of the water and the dolphin in the air spindle respective movements usual in the movement of showing confidence in the Dolphin whale who plays him.

           3. Do not be afraid to ask for help: 

There is no doubt that the dolphins are of Smart animals but have the wisdom to assess situations where you need to help in the case was recorded also on the coasts of Hawaii encounter a group of divers in the area where they found Dolphin infected seriously nor the strength to swim has Seen Dolphin Last he wants to help him when he hinted the presence of divers taking and attracted towards the other injured dolphin to help him .

               4. Sometimes bring us gifts: 

Of course we do not understand the language of dolphins but speech is worth nothing when it comes to you Dolphin gift then not speak only important were registered 23 cases separate coasts of Australia for dolphins bring gifts for humans and these gifts is a snake or octopus or squid and all dead and Granted 
us gift for humans at the beach.

                 5. Help other creatures: 

Puzzled science sea front cases help dolphins for humans do not find these cases an explanation, we find ourselves in front of a dilemma largest is the emergence of some cases that have been recorded in New Zealand for help dolphins to Hutin of sperm whales young who ​​sea forcibly to the beach and who tried to return to the water without success has helped them dolphins  to the ocean again. 

       6.Seems that sperm whales love them :

It is also clear that dolphins can be friends with some other objects , including sperm whales have been recorded some cases where swim with whales and dolphins around.

          7. Iemiloan bubbles within the water: 

We all know that dolphins can breathe water inside and outside this franchise gave its ability to store air under water which gives the possibility to configure the bubbles like the bubbles that come out of breathing underwater divers .

    8.Working with fishermen to help in fishing :

Along the coasts of Jonah in Brazil helped dolphins fishermen on fishing for some eating fish received by the Dolphins paid to help fishermen.

            9.Pay attention to her friends :

Note biologists on the coast of South Korea that a group of dolphins has assisted some of the other dolphins Mareshah and wounded.

          10.Know how to enjoy their time :

Much like jumping out of the water and do spindle movements  and people loved to watch them as they use these movements also in mating season.

He more than wonderful animal , what do you think you are.

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