How to make your hair grow faster?

                    How to make your hair grow faster?

Both came after shaving your hair shorter than you want, or you see her hair like long hair or based on other reasons do you need to grow your hair faster, here's how to do it. 

1. consider the history of every 7 weeks to get rid of damaged parts.
2. drink 8 glasses of water per day, body moisturizer makes your hair healthy and shiny.
3. eat healthy foods and stay away from junk food containing sugars and fats and favors foods boiled or grilled.
4. knead your scalp with oil every day for at least 10 minutes.
5. Avoid hair style is very tight, too in this slow hair growth.
6. give your hair a chance to rest and make sure her hair in a natural look.
7. help improve the body's immune capabilities by addressing a Indian ginseng, known as "ashwagandha" it strengthens and improves hair growth.
8. When you wash your hair make sure you use a shampoo with natural ingredients and try to stay away from chemicals as long as they hurt your scalp and hair so badly and affect its growth.
9. among the best oils that help accelerate hair growth: Mira oil. To be a natural composition and formulations to help improve the health of hair. 

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