Google and Microsoft struggle , from the beneficiary ?

      Google and Microsoft struggle , from the beneficiary ?

Many believe that Google is the greatest thing in the technological history, and perhaps this belief has been further developed after company removed Google Microsoft's dominance on the technology sector.
That there are those who say that Microsoft was able to buy the Google search engine but my father several years ago. But what the reason why the Google search engine turns into a giant breakers, as we see at the moment, the Google products empire expanded abnormally in the last decade. Perhaps the reason for this control and its alliance with the companies have nothing to do with the essence of its product, a search engine.
But despite the fact that the two companies slots offering some competitive products but they differ in essence products Core Product, face competition Microsoft characterized operating system and Windows, which controls what his relatives 85% of the market, while featuring Google control over the search engine Google, which controls 81% of the market search engines and also controls the cloud computing market. 

But in spite of this , the two companies in a close contest .Especially in these areas :

                 Operating System:

Google Launch to the Chrome OS operating system , which relies primarily on the Linux operating system , announced outright defiance to Microsoft 's dominance on the operating systems market .

                           Office software: 

Did not stop at this point but fired Google office software that rely on Internet connection access to Google Docs, which can be accessed from any device once you get to your Gmail account. And to be a strong contender for the Microsoft Office group. 

                           Search Engines: 

Did not stand Microsoft idly toward competition Google her, but it established search engine Bing but not controls only 5% of the search engine market in the world, but the alliance with Yahoo search engine has made competition tougher, this market is major source of income for Google, so ABT Google the surrender adding to its search engine a lot of features that facilitate research and knowledge of the weather, currency converter, and know the time in any country .... etc.. 


The issuance of Gmail is a renaissance strong carried out by Google, which competed with Hotmail strongly, Val Hotmail, which supports 36 languages ​​and has 360 million users became classified 
Gmail  who owns 450 million users and supports 54 languages, which can send messages size 25 MB, and gives storage space up to 10 GB, and you can send messages through huge filed on Google Drive. And can be integrated with Google stimuli Google Alerts, so you can get the latest news on the subject that you want as a forex and stock market and other markets that require immediate follow-up. 

                         Drivers mobile phones:

The launch Microsoft in this area before Google, when issued Windows Mobile, but Google has seized the company Android and the releasing of smartphones, and Tablet PC is considered one of the open-source software, and did not bear the Windows Mobile this competition, so she Microsoft Corp. launched Windows Phone to be a competitor to Android, but it was too late where Alandroed occupied 75% of the smartphone market. Conversely Windows iPhone got 2% of the global market, according to statistics the end of 2012


That everyone is aware of the famous Microsoft browser Internet Explorer, the browser that launched in 1995. And that was months browser at all, in 2002 won 95% of the browser market. But at the end of 2012 had only had an estimated 30-50% of the market, after the company issuing the browser Google Chrome, which has claimed amounted to 35% of the browser market. 

                          Cloud Computing:

As for cloud computing has preceded Microsoft Corp. Google so issued for SkyDrive who knew previously unknown to Windows Live Folders, which passed in 2007, At present, it provides an approximate area of ​​7 GB for the average user, and in return the company Google to issue Google Drive in 2012, which provides space 10 GB storage. You can increase the storage space in exchange for a monthly payment. 

                         Social Networks:

In this area before Google Inc. Microsoft Corp. several months, and with the launch of Google Plus, which has 400 million users, comes in second place after Facebook, which has nearly 900 million users. While Microsoft site for social networking Socl not find this turnout 
Facebook and Google Plus.  Microsoft said it had making this site limited to college students.
Thus we see Microsoft's leadership in preceded several areas, and see the power of Google in its attempts to impose its control, but the remaining superpower in the user's hand is which to choose, and choose determines the winning company. But the competition is in the interest of users, because each company is trying to satisfy user to go to it. And this I can say for sure that the beneficiary is the user. 

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