Strictly Confidential : A Journey into the remains of a British laboratory

Strictly Confidential : A Journey into the remains of a British laboratory:

When cleaning a small area of ​​wood between the cities of Fleet and Farnborough in Hampshire in England has been found remains of a British laboratory in the form of building a mysterious deserted from steel, glass and seems to be abandoned long ago did not enter him one and this is the reason for our ability to obtain such images now where that the site has now become a magnet for explorers and adventurers, but in his time this place was a site surrounded by secrecy too big and does not know about any one piece of information has the photographer Don Kiddick publish these images via their Alannturnt for people to see. 

Although calm sunken which place these days but he has been working about half a century was no where in this calm was one of the sites that are used for tests turbines natural gas which are manufactured in Pyestock also be a test every all kinds of steam engines and laurel also All engines needed by the Royal Navy had been tested in this place. 

Even Soviet engines which was obtained surreptitiously had been tested in the laboratory and was preparing this laboratory a British national security secrets.

This is an ideal location for the construction of such highly confidential sites where it is a quiet place away from the noise and surrounded by trees heavily from each side to cover the movement of trees and their voices on the sounds that come out of the lab.

Was built this place in 1949 with the beginning of the Cold War to strengthen secrecy and paranoia that was suffered by the great powers in these days has begun work in this laboratory through some rooms steam small but Viem 1961 was the expansion and provide cells large enough to test supersonic aircraft of sound has been working until it was closed in 2000 final. 

Been building this laboratory on 4 key buildings and the cell No. 4 contains the largest room tests, which were created in 1965 at a cost of $ 10.4 million and was the only of its kind in the world have been used for testing engines Concorde engines supersonic aircraft and test conditions aviation height 61,000 feet above the earth. 

There was a building near the site of tests called Air House, which was in contact with the cell 4, which was feeding it with the necessary energy for each tests fighting operations .
After a period Air House can not provide all the energy needed for cell No. 4 for the ninth generator was built for more research facilities in 1965 was strongly 6000 hp, which was supplying both cells 3 and 4 shall need of energy. 

Cell 3 was built in 1961 and was delivered to Air House and was used in the test large engines before the construction of the cell 4 because these tests result was a lot of noise.

Was built last cell in the building west of the cell 3 and were less cells in the area, but they contain a greater number of rooms and was used in the test weather conditions different height 30,000 feet as they contain devices to help create an atmosphere similar to the upper atmosphere and they give scientists the ability to test the effects of ice on aircraft engines and helicopter.

At the end of the twentieth century and found devices more sophisticated and less in cost and easier to use began lab loses its importance gradually until a decision was close after it has been transferred all files and documents tests which were held inside to places more sophisticated and there are some times to turn the place into a museum to take advantage of his presence. 

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