Guys, this is your chance to learn the secret of women demystify expressions.

Guys, this is your chance to learn the secret of women demystify expressions.


When Jon and women, picking or trimming eyebrows up, things do not go well, they denounce your words.

Controlled Fury

If you see a woman and are closed or offer to his lips and eyes that you know you have entered a danger in becoming a consideration anger under control, do not continue to talk and find solutions to ease tensions.

Feelings of fear

Women's Open for her eyes and raised eyebrows plucking or trimming up slightly and lips close down may indicate feelings of fear are, then try to rescue by offering solutions to the problems posed by the emergence of such feelings. 


Not to say that the smile on the face of the woman was satisfied with you, hide behind that smile and ironic mockery or position or topic you are discussing. You can find so ironic smile women his mouth half open, his eyes closed a little smile in your face.

Smile mandatory

Have you called your boss at work to dinner with you, this news was greeted with a smile as your wife? You do not approve or happy with this call, it is not like that only reluctantly. Do not forget that smile that accompanied the dispersion and orientation of the mouth in an arbitrary direction more or smile as they say in the vernacular "Gebran Khater.


Close lshafhaha and women look with your eyes open, you mean flout an indicator

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