Saturn also never seen before

                          Saturn also never seen before

In this photo was taken shadows of Saturn when the sun was located behind and because the land is located on the road between the sun and Saturn , we can not pick up such a picture without that there will be extraterrestrial spacecraft , which was videotaped.
 This photograph was taken on October 17, 2012 and sent by Cassini to Earth (Cassini is one of the spaceships NASA and sent to monitor the planet Saturn) This was one of the two only been Eltqathma of Saturn in this situation and taken the last in September 2006, since more than 6 years
In this photo you can see the 4 moons of Saturn with a single episode of episodes where the moon Titan appears in the background with a diameter of 3,200 miles so that the rest of the satellites appear other bedside and features of Titan atmosphere filled with nitrogen gas.
The Moon appears smaller debt Bmnhdarath sharp as ice almost not see the moon last on the left of the loop as shown moon Banadora him on the right
Show a ball of fire at the top is a really a storm blowing on the surface of the planet with rings have the picture was taken on 11 January 2011 has been capturing more than 12 pictures of these storms to be studying the disposal of methane and its impact on the atmosphere of Saturn where they appear clouds deep in the planet's atmosphere layers red, orange and upper classes appear in yellow, green and show the outer layers of blue .
These four images follow the strongest storm passed in the Saturn was observed. Each image of the four images were collected from 84 different snapshot was taken in February 2011. This storm has moved quickly around the planet 63 miles per hour this storm has covered an area of ​​8 times the size of Earth.

This photograph was taken from a distance of 1.3 million miles and which illustrates the size of Saturn for three of its moons in December 7, 2011 and the largest moon can see in this image at the left is the moon Tatheis Tethys and which cuts a distance of 660 miles around Saturn
On the left we see moon Ancilahdes Encyladus, moon Panadura who almost never see in this picture, which has a diameter of only 50 miles.

 Saturn has 7 episodes key is renamed Basba letters first alphabet englais A to G, including showing some divisions and separations of gas, which is going through satellites its own or some debris and this image reflect the separation between  first and second A, B, which was filmed on September 3 in 2010 and the distance between the Cassini - spacecraft - and loops 276000 miles.

 Here in this picture shows two satellites of Saturn are Titan and Rhea. Appears in the foreground moon Rhea, which you can see it some digging. Moon  is composed of 25% of the rock and 75% water ice is the Cassini spacecraft is discovered fact moon Rhea in 1672.

 At the time of pick up where this photo was spacecraft 808,000 miles from the moon Rhea while it was away from the Titan distance of 1.2 million miles. It remains for us to know that he was discovered 62 moon of Saturn's moons, including 53 moon them names .
This picture shows Titan when the southern pole struck in the fog is Saturn's largest moon.


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