Fear of women doing things to men :

                      Fear of women doing things to men :

It is true that men are strained in his first marriage he will abandon the celibate life and watch ball games and playing PlayStation and other activities for singles, women think of things you can not imagine doing before man, whatever the degree of proximity. 

1. Eat foods that could cause chaos :

Foods that can easily approach is required by the bride while walking, they can ask or thicker spaghetti or things you need to use your hands to do flips scenes picnic certainly delight you. After the wedding, the situation would move to heavy dishes used to eat at the house of his father. And it will have at heart to eat with your fingers not to break the image of her.

2. gas :

Normal human gas output, but that this deformed romance and beauty, and that some women are keen to acquire animals especially dogs to try to apply any smell is good.

3. Facebook friends :

Women can sit freely as she spoke with friends on Facebook and let their husbands know their secrets and hidden conversations and are also not keen on her Facebook account to see old friends or love or know people who love gossip with them.

4. exercise :

No female sport can be practiced even in the gym before you like, imagine that it is quite natural and does not want to know for this effort.

5. watch your favorite programs :

Like women in many television and online with it and prefer to do it away from the eyes of a man who mocks the mentality and thinking to follow these frivolous offerings.

6. Entering the toilet :

Sprinkle women is also a great air freshener in the bathroom to hide any smell can make men believe they love other human beings, and some new friends wives are with family members in a dwelling to do so until they get used to the new situation.

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