Algerians to Aistton migration to " Quebec " before March 2013

Algerians to Aistton migration to " Quebec " before March 2013

The Ministry of Immigration and communities cultural Pkapeix for mandatory closing doors of economic migration arrest recordings Alolihalhash visa application until March 31, 2013 attributed the cause to receive a large number of recordings that exceeded significantly Year 2 past 65,000 registered an increase of an estimated 35 thousand within four years. 

Same resolution may affect a large segment of young Algerian carrier university degrees and who wishes to recordings inadvertently visa application to immigrate to Canada in general and the District of Quebec in particular, where is this the first destination for Algerians Ptadedda over 33 thousand immigrants of between 50 thousand immigrants to Canada, and this may significantly affect the morale of the thousands of Algerians who wish now in the registry to request immigration visa under the program of economic migration launched by the provincial government, which has allowed for about 4500 Algerian to go to Quebec last year, most of them university graduates, looking for well-off and the work that ensures the future bright for them and their families, because of cultural factors, such as the spread of the French language, and ease of obtaining residency or naturalization.
Perhaps the decision issued by the Council of Ministers, under the recommendation of the Minister of Immigration and communities cultural, Kathleen Weil, and adopted on 27 June Alvart, inadvertently comments recordings may keep the number desired by the government target of 65 thousand Mhajrahit inviting it to the budget and maintain proportion immigration applications to stop the annual plan announced by the government in addition to the possibility of manipulating files according to calendar agreed in the Council of Ministers, according to figures the government of Quebec, the Quebec become a favorite destination for Algerians متبوعين neighbors Moroccans who numbered 31.427 thousand French b 28.241 thousand people.
The Secretary of State for community are national abroad Halim bin Atallah had been highlighted during the recent talks Bmonrial with Immigration Minister and communities cultural province of Quebec Kathleen Weill quality and integration good for Algerian community living in Canada and its adherence to Algiers, explaining that the presence of the Algerian elite in Canadian institutions " qualified additional competitive and cooperation "which expressed the immigration minister and communities cultural province of Quebec, where expressed satisfaction" to the quality of the Algerian community and its integration into good "noting that Algeria remains" the first source of immigration in Quebec since 2006, "she said at the same time government's will to settle the problem of the recognition of diplomas granted to university immigrants to Quebec.

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