Found on the Gospel contains prophecy of Jesus , the Prophet Mohammed

Found on the Gospel contains prophecy of Jesus , the Prophet Mohammed
 Back to the pre - 1500 years has been concealed 12 years and asked the Pope to preview

          Found in Turkey on a rare copy of the Bible written in Aramaic and return to the pre-1500 years, indicating that the Christ (peace be upon him) predicted the emergence of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) after him.

This event is still running the Vatican, has called Pope Benedict XVI preview book, which has remained in the shadows more than 12 years, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.
The Minister of Culture and Tourism Turkish Ertgoul Günay: "The value of the book is estimated at $ 22 million, as has prophecy of Christ the emergence of the Prophet Muhammad, but the Christian church proceeded to hide it over the past years for its similarity severe with what came in the Quran about it."

And corresponds to the content of this version of the Bible with the Islamic faith, which describes Christ as human beings and not a god worshiped, Islam rejects the Holy Trinity and the crucifixion of Christ, and that Jesus predicted the emergence of the Prophet Muhammad after him. 

A copy of the Gospel of Christ told a priest asked who his successor, he said: "Muhammad is the holy name, from the strain Ismail Abu Arabs." Günay said that the Vatican had formally requested preview the book that became the possession of the Turkish authorities, after he disappeared in 2000 the Mediterranean in Turkey, and then accused a gang of smugglers effects of theft through illegal excavations and is currently being prosecuted.

The Quran says in verse 6 of Sura Grade: (As said Jesus the son of Mary, the children of Israel, I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming the hands of the Torah and promising a Messenger to come after me, when he came to them with Clear Signs they said this is mere magic).

Said the Rev. Ihsan Ozbek newspaper "Zaman" Turkish: "The version of the Bible dating back to one of the followers of St. Barnabas as they wrote in the fifth or sixth century, while Rev. Barnabas lived in the first century to being one of the apostles of Christ."

As explained Professor of Theology Umar Farooq Herman: "that the scientific examination will soon enable us to detect the true age of a copy and will determine if actually started by St. Barnabas or one of his followers."

Noteworthy that the manuscript of the Bible in Syriac by Christ and valued at $ 2.4 million, will be displayed in a museum Ankara Alonthogravea.

The Turkish authorities had decided to transfer to the museum for maintenance and upkeep of the damage for being one of the cultural assets.

The manuscript contains excerpts from the Bible written in gold letters on the skin and connected Potter. 

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