Strangest hotels in the world

                                 Strangest hotels in the world

 Many of us considered hotels just a place to rest and get to sleep , offer you here strangest 10 most unusual hotels in the world, and that would be a place to spend quality time and entertainment in times of your holidays .

 1) Hotel Everland, Paris :

The Everland Hotel component of only one room. Owned by a couple of Swiss artists, based in the city of Paris, and is the highest Tokyo Palace Museum, overlooking the Eiffel Tower. Designed an amazing hotel in an artistic way and has a bedroom open to the lounge. Cost accommodation for one night in this hotel 333 euros during the week and increase to 444 euros at the end. It can be transmitted in different places. 

 2) Hotel Das park hotel :

Location: Austria. Hotel gives Das park hotel visitors the chance to stay in the giant sewer pipes, which weighs each one of them 5.9 tons. You do not need much in the case to stay in this hotel is just a coat to help protect you from falling cement. Austrian artist Thomas Ochoa, lends a special touch inside the pipe to make it friendly, providing you with a pleasant ambience in summer to spend the summer is different. Opens hotel usually from May to October. 

3) Hotel Quinta Real Zacatecas, Mexico:
One of the most unusual hotels in the world, is built Quinta Real Zacatecas was formerly a Circuit for frankness bulls , was built in the 19th century .
4) wing space:
Group pavilions under construction , 22 rooms with an area of 28 square meters.These wings strapped space ship and the trip is a trip into outer space each person in his own room equipped with oxygen !
 5) Hotel glass Glass Igloo Hotel, Finland :

We talked about in detail by the hotel glass in Finland, located in the wilderness near Finland and specifically near the national park, which is called Urho Kekkonen National Park, find hotel and resort glass Glass Igloo Hotel which is one of the most attractive places to enjoy a clear vision of the phenomenon of aurora A natural phenomena unique, composed this resort and hotel number of huts amid snow, but what distinguishes it is the fact that these huts are made of glass warming which is not only an insulator to keep the hut warm, but also allows for a or tourist wonderful view of the sky, especially aurora . 
 6) Hotel Jumbo in Stockholm "Switzerland" :

First hotel inside the plane in the world. Stockholm hosts this strange hotel. Hotel based in Boeing 747 jumbo, and had been retained rather than discarded after the stoppage of work. Turning to a 25-room hotel at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm. Each square room bed Thtoaaly, and safe for clothes and flat. And there is a reception area and cafe with bathrooms, shower rooms, that is, they are shared. And there on the top floor conference room and the best places evidence command Altiholt to a Sweet for newly married couples. May not be comfortable as a hotel, but of course that will test a different sense. 
7) Hotel Im and Asertrm Germany :

The hotel is located within a beacon very high up on the city of Cologne, this international luxury hotel was old in the nineteenth century the largest lighthouse in Europe. 1990 French designer Andre Putnam turned it into Luxury Hotel contains 78 rooms. The building is classified as a tourist place, and still gives a sense of design as a measure of survival and security that give it a beacon for sailors.  

8) charming mountain hotel :

Built this magnificent inn on the nature reserve "Julio Julio" in the State of Chile in South America so that overlooks the great green spaces, and provides guests with a legendary atmosphere and an unforgettable experience. Structure is designed in the form of a volcano, flowing from the crater waterfalls refreshing instead of fiery lava, but if you're interested in seeing a real volcano, you can simply watch the Arenal Volcano Chilean directly from the window of your room! Lets place for patrons many unique facilities and fun, hot water sinks made from the trunks of giant trees, and large windows that allow them to see the majestic Chilean rainforest. Finally wooden suspension bridge is the only way to enter the hotel to bring more of the spirit of adventure! 
 9) Hotel Giraffe Manu, Eastern africa:

Imagine yourself take your family on a visit to the country and staying in a hotel if Bozorafah rears its head from the window you, this strange perception is already happening in a hotel located in Nairobi, Kenya. Small hotel surrounded by an area of ​​140 acres of forest, and Giraffe Manor most important features, have been trained, highly welcome visitors and have breakfast with them. Full cost price night accommodation at Hotel Giraffe Manor $ 360
10) Gamirasu Hotel, Turkey:

Some people pay money to sleep in a cave. Gamirasu Cave Hotel in Turkey is such a place, built inside the mountain caves used by the monks to worship during the Byzantine era .. Almost any of a thousand years! Visitors can sleep where the monks sleep, in a cool cave Turkish.  

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