Cry from the fear of God

Cry from the fear of God
Causes,  and ways to be collected


              Thank God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -

Crying encroachment mankind as mentioned people interpretation, he said Qurtubi in interpreting the words of God Almighty: and it is laugh and cry} [star / 43]: "Any: spent reasons laughter and tears, and said Ata ibn Abi Muslim: mean: rejoice and grieve; because joy brings laughter and sadness brings tears ...
"Qurtubi interpretation" (17/116). 

As the tears did instinctively does not have rights to pay often it permissible provided that accompanied indication Altscht spend God and fate, because the Prophet peace be upon him: "God does not punish بدمع eye nor saddened heart, but tortures this - and pointed out his tongue - or mercy "Bukhari (1242) and Muslim (924).
Types of crying and he gives her
Said over bin soft God's mercy: "cry of seven things: the cry of joy, tears of sadness, and fear, and hypocrisy, and pain, and thanks, and crying from the fear of God, that which quenched tear them like seas of fire!".

Said Imam Ibn al-Qayyim in his book "Zaad" Ten types of crying, listed as mentioned.

* Cries of fear and apprehension.
* Crying mercy and tenderness.
* Cry of love and longing.
* Crying of joy and happiness.
* Crying alarm, Rhode pain and not tolerated.
* Crying sadness .... The teams for crying fear, that I "sadness": be your past get hated or too cuddly and crying fear: be what is expected in the future, and the difference between crying pleasure and joy and crying sadness that tear pleasure cool and heart hilarious, tear sadness: lane and a sad heart, but this is said to rejoice is "delight" and acknowledged his eye, and when he grieves: is Skhina eye, and hotter the same God.
* Crying creek and weaknesses.
* Crying hypocrisy: that tearing and severe heart.
* Crying nickname and tenant, Cabaca Alnaúhh Pay it also said the faithful Omar bin Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him: sell crossed and crying Hjo other.
* Crying approval: it is that a man sees people crying for something them Vepki with them and does not know anything crying seen cry Vepki.
"Zaad" (1/184, 185).

The cry from the fear of God Almighty believe crying hesitation in souls, and the most powerful interpreter for Walajeh fearful hearts.
False cry
Crying may be an indication of the sincerity of crying, and may not be, has mentioned the Koran story brothers peace be upon him and how Tbakua the brother falsely God said: The father came crying dinner [Yusuf / 16], and therefore the crying a rival in the judiciary is not credible evidence.
Crying sin!!
Crying over the death of an unbeliever or a tyrant or a corrupt, crying lovers, and people love songs.
What on earth suffers from loving *** if found fancy sweet
See tears in a while *** fearing a task or to Ishtiaq
Vtschen eye when convergence *** and heats the eye when parting
And crying distanced longing to them *** and cry that they approached the fear of separation
Fadel cry from the fear of God
He says: and turning to one another, some are wondering. They said we were before in our people Mhfiqin. It is God we and وقانا torment toxins. We were before we call it is the land, the Merciful} [Tur / 25 - 28]
The Prophet peace be upon him: "do not go to fire a man cried from the fear of God so that the milk in the udder." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1633). 

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Seven shade of God in shade on no shade but His: Imam Adel, and a young man who grew up in the worship of God, and man his heart hanging mosques, and two men Thaba in God, met him and dispersed it, and a man invited a woman with position and beauty, he said: I fear God, and man of incredible charity Vokhvaha do not even know the north spend his right, and a man who God free eyes ففاضت ".
Bukhari (629) and Muslim (1031).

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "not affecting them shot eyes, eye cried from the fear of God, and are guarding the eye in the way of Allah." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1639), and Shaykh al-Albaani classed in "Tirmidhi" (1338).

The Prophet peace be upon him: "There is nothing dearer to Allah than two drops and أثرين: a drop of tears, fearing God, and a drop of blood Thrac the sake of God, and the Alotran: The impact in the way of Allah, and the impact of the duty of the ordinances of God" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (1669) , and classed Sheikh Albani in "Tirmidhi" (1363).

Said Abdullah bin Umar: "Because Adma from the fear of God is dearer to me than would give a thousand dinars in charity!".

The inks heel: Because cry from the fear of God Vtsel tears on my cheeks like to give charity not gold Bozna.
If angels
Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, he said to Gabriel: "I do not see Michael never laughing?" Said: Laughter Mikael since created a fire.
Narrated by Ahmad (12930), and Manaawi said in "Qadeer" (5/452): ... Zein said Iraqi isnaad good, and as hasan by al-Albaani in "Targheeb" (3664). [Note: This talk of the conversations that fell Sheikh Albanian da'eef to improve.

Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him said: Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "I passed the night my family Mullah Top Jibril Klhals worn from the fear of God Almighty."
Attabarani in "East" (5/64) and Hasan Sheikh Albani in "Whole" (5864).
Crying Prophets
He says: those who blessed them from the prophets of the descendants of Adam and who make us with Noah and the descendants of Abraham and Israel, who guided and Ajtbena if recited to them verses Rahman fall down prostrate and cried} [Mary / 58].
Crying Prophet peace be upon him
Ibn Masood - may Allah be pleased with him - said: He told me the Prophet, peace be upon him: "Recite the Qur'an" I said: O Messenger of God, read out to you, and revealed to you? , Said: "I like to hear it from someone else," I read it Nisa, until I came to this verse: {So how about if we come from each nation a witness and We bring you (O Muhammad) [Women / 40] said "That's enough now," he turned to him, if His eyes witness against these people. Bukhari (4763) and Muslim (800).

Said'm Battaal:
But wept - peace be upon him - at this because it is like for himself the horrors of the Day of Judgment, and the severity of the case calling him to his testimony to the nation its ratification and faith, and asking intercession for them to Arihhm the length of the position, and horrors, and this is entitled to the length of crying and sadness.

And Abdullah bin snoring - may Allah be pleased with him - said: I came to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him as he prayed and stomach humming Koziz the boiler from crying. Narrated by Ahmad (15877), and the Women (1214) and this word, and Abu Dawood (904) words, "... Koziz millstone", and classed Sheikh Albani in "Targheeb" (544).
Boiler: the degree to which boil the water.

Obaid bin Amir God's mercy: "He once said to Aisha - God bless them -: Tell us Bojb thing you have seen from the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him?
Said: Vsktaat then said: what was the night of nights.
He said: "O Aisha Dhirana Otabd night to my Lord."
I said: God, I love close you, and I love what satisfied.
She said: so he Vttehr, then he stood and prayed.
She said: mouth still cry, even, but his lap!
She said: He was sitting and he kept crying Allah bless him and even, but his beard!
She said: then cried until even the ground! Bilal Aaznh came to pray, and when he saw him cry, he said: O Messenger of God, crying, God has forgiven you what progress and future sins?! He said: "Do they not be a thankful slave?! Have inflicted on the night verse, Will not read did not speculate where! {In the creation of the heavens and the earth ...} verse all [Al-Imran / 190]" Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan (2/386) and others, and classed Sheikh Albani in "Targheeb" (1468), and in the "correct" (68).

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him said: seen the daughter of the Messenger God's peace be upon him and the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him sitting on the grave and I saw tears in his eyes, he said: Do you, a not Iqarv night? Abu Talha said: I said: come down in her grave, got in her grave Vcyprha. Bukhari (1225).
And wept pity on the nation.

Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas that the Prophet peace be upon him read words of God Almighty in Abraham {Lord they Odilln a lot of people, it followed me it me} verse [Ibrahim / 36] said Jesus {that punish them, they Thy though forgive them Thou Aziz al-Hakim} [Round / 118] raised his hands and said - Oh my my - and cried and said God Almighty O Jibreel go to Muhammad - and Lord knows best - Vzle What makes you cry came to Gabriel peace be upon him and asks him told him the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him what he said - He knows - God said, Gabriel, go to Muhammad, tell I Snredak in your nation not Nsoak. Narrated by Muslim (202).
Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas - well - said: eclipsed sun at the time of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him so the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him No sooner kneel and then knelt No sooner lifted then raise No sooner prostrate then prostrated No sooner lifted then raise no barely prostrate then prostrated No sooner was lifted and then lift and he did in other rak'ah like it then breathed in the last prostration said: FFA, and then said: Lord of pain تعدني that do not punish them, and I in them? Did تعدني not punish them, and they pray for forgiveness? We Nstgfrck, when he prayed two انجلت sun so he glorified God and praised him and then said: The sun and the moon are two of the ayatollahs not eclipsed because of the death or life of a If Anksva Vafsawa to Allah Almighty. Narrated by Abu Dawood (1194) and classed Sheikh Albani in "Saheeh Abi Dawood" (1055) but remembrance bowing twice as correct.
Crying companions
Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: Speeches Messenger of Allah peace be upon him sermon heard've ever said: "if you know what I know, you would laugh little and weep much," hid his companions of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him and faces and their Khnen, in the novel: the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from his companions something delivered a said: "I was offered a heaven and hell did not see Kalium of good and evil, even if you know what I know, you would laugh little and weep much" What came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him on most of it covered their heads and their Khnen. "Narrated Bukhari (4345), and second novel Muslim (2359)., and Khunain: is crying with غنة.
Ibn Hajar said:
Meant science here: about the greatness of God and his revenge who disobey, and the horrors that lies at the agony of death, death and the grave and on the Day of Resurrection.

And Abu Sufyan from Oheachh said: Saad feet on Salman Aaudh, said: wept, said Saad: What makes you cry, O Abu Abdullah? Died Messenger of Allah peace be upon him which you satisfied and respond to it the aquarium and had friends, he said: What was crying alarmed of death nor the interests of the world, but the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him under us pledge said: "Let the language of any one of the lower Xade passenger" and around this Alosawd said, but around Ajana Jaffna and sanitized, said O Saad mention God when distress if interested and when your hands if and when divided judgment if convicted.
Haakim (4/353) and said correctly attribution - Mundhiri said -: well said.
Saying, "This Alosawd around me," said Abu Obeid: Wanted characters of heirlooms and everyone blackness of humans or chattel or other, and a man in "true carrot" (3224), and he said, commenting under this talk: language: annexation consolidated, what Athblg its live, Ajana: something to wash the clothes, and vine: Kalgosh, and antiseptic: water Adoah, mentioned essential opening M and broken, and then said: The Open Top ...

And carefree sire Uthman, may Allah be pleased with him said: Osman If you stop at the grave; cried until Whipple beard! He was told: Remember heaven and hell do not weep, and you weep because of this?! Said that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said: "The tomb first home of the Hereafter, is saved from it, and beyond easier for him, but did not survive him; onwards most of it!" Said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: " I have never seen a scene only grave worst of it! "Narrated by Ahmad (456), and al-Tirmidhi (2308), and Ibn Majah (4267), and as hasan by al-Albaani in" Tirmidhi "Albany (1878).

And wept Maaz Allah be pleased with him crying heavily and was told what makes you cry? He said: Because God Almighty catch قبضتين and one in Paradise and the other in the fire, I do not know of any two teams I am.

Cried Hassan was said to him: What makes you cry? Said: I am afraid that God Atrhani tomorrow in a fire does not care.

And Tamim Dari, may Allah be pleased with him, he recited this verse: {Or do who اجترحوا evil that make them like those who believe and do good deeds} [الجاثية / 21] Making repeated until the morning and cry.

The Hudhayfah God bless him crying crying heavily, and was told: What بكاؤك? He said: I do not know what to oldest, highest satisfaction or discontent? .

More Saad his father said: come Abdul Rahman bin Auf may Allah be pleased with him one day his food, he said: killed Musab bin Omair and it was good to me did no him what shrouded the only impermeable, and killed Hamza - or another man - the best of me did not no him what shrouded the only Burda, I was afraid to have precipitated us Taibatna in our world, then make cry. Bukhari (1215).

Said Saad bin acromion: I walked with Ibn Mas'ood Famer Balhaddadan has driven iron from the fire so he looks to the molten iron and crying. What is this cry but knowing that it's hard and coming not account leaves, small or great, but learns them.

The speeches of Abu Musa Ash'ari, may Allah be pleased with him once people in Basra: he recalled in his sermon fire, even wept tears fell on the podium! The people wept that day crying heavily.

And read Ibn Umar: {Will This day} [Mutaffifin: 1] when he reached: {the day when the people the Lord of the Worlds} [Mutaffifin: 6] cried until another and declined to read later.

Nafie said: Ibn Umar was read {Jan pain for those who believe that Tkhca hearts to God} [Fe / 16] cried until Igelbh crying.

And the verse: {Jan pain for those who believe that Tkhca hearts to God and came down from the right and do not become like those who were given the Scripture before Aftal them hatched their hearts term} [Fe / 16]:
Ibn Mas'ood, may Allah be pleased with him: what was between our Islam and that God Atibna these verse only four years.
Narrated by Muslim (3027).

And said plagiarized stoned God: "I read on Aisha these verses: it is God we and وقانا torment toxins} [Tur / 27] wept, and said," Lord of and قني torment toxins. "

Cried Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him in his illness. He was told: What makes you cry?! He said: "But I do not weep for your world, but weep for after my travel, and the lack of Zadie, I أمسيت in the rise of the Commission or the fire, I do not know to mandates taken me!!".

Was Abdullah bin Rawahah may Allah be pleased with him, putting his head in the lap of his wife wept wept his wife said what makes you cry, she said I saw you crying I cried said I said the words of God Almighty {if you only Ardha was Lord inevitably doomed} [Mary / 71] I do not know Oonju him or not.

Salman the Persian usually complained Saad bin Abi Waqas saw him cry Saad said to him: What makes you cry, my brother is not had accompanied the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him? Alice? Alice? Salman said: What was crying and one of two minimum cry Dhana nor hatred for the Hereafter, but the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him entrusted era, what he showed me but may exceed! He said: What era to you? Said: era that enough of you such as increased passenger and showed me only had transgressed, but you O Saad Fear of God when your judgment if convicted, and when your department if divided, and when distress if you are interested. Constant said: Fbghanna that left only a few and twenty dirhams expense was him. Narrated by Ibn Majah (4104), and Shaykh al-Albaani classed in "Sahih Ibn Majah" (3312), "The true carrot" (3225).

Anas bin Malik that the Prophet of Allah, peace be upon him said to Abu ibn Ka'b that God told me to Oqrik Koran said God called me to you? He said: Yes, he said: It was reported when the Lord of the Worlds? He said: Yes, his eyes Vdhirvt - In the novel: Making my father cry -. Bukhari (4677), and Muslim (799).
Crying Ancestors
Some righteous cry day and night, and was told to do so, he said: I am afraid that God sees me to sin, he says: passed me, I angry at you.

This Ismail bin Zakaria tells if Habib bin Mohammed - and was his neighbor - says: I If أمسيت heard crying and if you become heard crying, I came to his family, and I said what would? Cry at night, and cry if it becomes?! He said: She said to me: fear God at night that does not become and if that becomes evening.

When Aotb increases Alriqashi on frequent crying, and said to him: if the fire created you increase this?! He said: Is created fire except me and my friends and our brothers of the jinn and mankind?? .

Asked tender Sulaimi: What is this sadness said: Woe, death in my neck, and the grave my house, and resurrection my position and on the bridge of hell my way I do not know what makes me.

The waste bin weepy summer, went a man cry and said to his wife, what would? She said: claimed that he wants to travel away and his wealth increased.

Warning Hassan night wept, household Vdj crying, they asked him how he said: You mentioned a sin to me, I just cried.
The event saw Omar bin Abdul Aziz, who was the governor of the city: that a man has read: {and if they lay down a narrow Mqrnin place there called destructions} [Furqan: 13] even drop wept tears, and Ola Ncejeh! So, from his council, went into his house, and divide people.

Said Khalid bin Saqr Alsdosa: My father was a special Sufian Revolutionary My father said: Vastaznt on Sufian in slaughter afternoon, فأذنت my woman, entered it, he says: {Or calculate I do not hear their secret and counsels [Al decoration: 80] Then he says: Yes O Lord! Yes, O Lord! And sobbing, and look to the roof of the house and tears flowing, I stayed seated km, God willing, then he turned to me, and he sat with me. He said: How long have you Here! What felt like where you are!
Crying contemporary
When cried Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Tears Samaha parent does not belong to him, Fienh beating a lot when you read to him from the book of God, or hear incidents of Biography of the Prophet, or tells him an influential position from the past or present, and here are his students talk about this topic.
Has asked a student Sheikh prominent citizen overcome Sheikh tears Vepki He replied:
Sheikh close tears, crying so much that crying amounts to Feed severe, he cries at the mention of the promise and menace, and cry when you get some misfortunes to some Muslims, and cry when you get some strange matters in religion, which is one of the greatest misfortunes, and cries at the mention of Ancestors and prospered asceticism and austerity, and crying while little old and his brothers who died before him, or when their God has resolved.

Heart thin
And complements the modern one of the students who attend classes Sheikh since 1399 and says:
Sheikh save God has a heart thin affected by what he hears from the verses and prophetic as well as the biography of Sahaba, how many verses of the book of God stop Sheikh then his tears because of the intimidation, as well as what God has prepared of bliss, how much talk raised Ashjan Sheikh wept influenced which appeared in it as a story fabrication, for example, as well as repentance Ka'b bin Malik and other conversations.
I remember once he read on Sheikh interview: "The Okhana name of God a man called the King of Kings, not the owner but Allah" - Bukhari (5852) and Muslim (3143) - Sufyan said: like Shahan Shah, was the reader is one of his disciples read (Shah Shah), said Sheikh corrected him: (Shahan Shah) so read on Eminence Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Al-Sheikh Allah's mercy, what was the Sheikh but tears in his eyes and drop crying because it reminds Sheikha Eminence Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Sheikh - may Allah have mercy on him - was This attitude does not forget, and tear on the cheek of our sheikh never forget.

It seems that the positions Biography of the Prophet a great impact in the heart of Shaykh Ibn Baaz, where he often affected when you hear some news.
And here is the brother of Abdullah we Alrougui longer some of these citizen:
I remember them: wept when the story fails to Ka'b bin Malik may Allah be pleased with him for the Battle of Tabuk, and wept when modern fabrication and story mother of believers Aisha may Allah be pleased at that, and wept when Jareer ibn 'Abd-Allaah narrated by Ahmad (watchmaker c 1/75 to 77 ) - numbering Heritage Revival (18 677) - in the story of the Bedouin who safest and then his story his mount, he said peace be upon him: "work a little bit and pay a lot," and cried when allegiance Ansar God bless them of the Prophet peace be upon him in the sell second obstacle, as much influenced by when read "Zaad" door open Mecca, and was of much of the prayer of the Prophet peace be upon him, and other so long.

And listen to the crying of Sheikh when he was mentioned to Sheikh Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ibrahim - may God have mercy on them -:
Here - well -:

Incident fabrication and the view of Abu Bakr
And brother Fahd Sunaidi say: It is what he saw Sheikh died as he saw when I read him the incident fabrication as influenced by Sheikh and wept long.
Listen to the cries Sheikh at this position:
  The drop cry once when he read the statement of Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him when he died Messenger of Allah peace be upon him "was worshiped Muhammad, Muhammad has died, and those who worship God, God is alive and not die," Bukhari (3467).
When wept Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him -
Said a disciple of Sheikh:
Abdul Rahman bin Daoud of the finest students sheikh and Ahnohm morally than Yemen faith and wisdom to him in the hearts of everyone's love and status, got his accident died on impact on his way to the city of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, sadness everyone to the report and handed to spend God, ability and put the funeral prayer after Morocco to lead our sheikh - God's mercy - and pray for him, and then carry the funeral to the cemetery.
Suddenly, after the prayer been missing Sheikh Allah's mercy Some said: Perhaps followed the funeral, and others have said: Perhaps Sheikh fasting went for breakfast - as is his habit - and will return after quarter of an hour, but some have seen sheikh when he came after prayer to vault the mosque, sat on a chair Sheikh waiting for his ascension to the daily lesson.
Then one of the brothers of the students Sheikh known - who never saw Sheikh - came down to the basement until the back-Sheikh, and suddenly a come down as Sheikh - may Allah have mercy on him - up from the basement as he wiped tears from his face, has appeared on his face vulnerability and severe crying, here gave our friend Sheikh peace then rose, while Sheikh has Wipe off and tear rose to place the lesson and sat on his chair and everyone around him and then have mercy on our brother - Abdel-Rahman - and said okay, and then continued to study it as if nothing had happened.
What can we say?! The stability and strength of the paper and faith.
God bless Abdul Rahman, the son of David, and God bless our sheikh has the right teacher to student, we are on the trail.
When wept Sheikh Albani - may God have mercy on him -
Shaykh and - contrary to what many people think - a thin heart, copious tears, it does not happen anything in which only crying and began to cry, including:

A. I talked to Algerian woman they saw him asking about the route taken by the Prophet, peace be upon him, it indicates a Fassar the steps not Ikhtiha, not likely she, and burst into tears.

B. At the last meeting me by God's mercy, told him about the vision he saw some of our brothers, which he saw this brother the Prophet, peace be upon him, and asks him: If you are confused on something to talk ask? The Prophet peace be upon him: Cell Mohammed Nasser Eddin Albanian. As soon as I finished my talk so great wept, while repeating "Oh God, make me better than I thought, and forgive me what I do not know."

C. And told him some of our brothers for insulting his father to the Lord and religion - and God forbid - Sheikh wept when he heard of the courage of those who claim to be on some of these debt Alkabbaih and seriously wrong ahaadeeth in the truth of God, and his father was sentenced as an apostate infidel.

D. And cried - God's mercy - what praised by some of our brothers recognition بتقصيره and agreeable to his Lord.
Hardening of the heart and causes
Eye tracking heart, if parchment heart tears eye, and if braze Qahtt, Ibn al-Qayyim - may God have mercy on him - in the book "Badaa'i benefits" (3/743): - "and when Oqahtt eye from crying from the fear of God know that Qahtha of hardening of the heart , and beyond the hearts of God: Heart harsh "Many of the advances likes to be Bakaúan, and preferences on some of the good deeds, he said Abdullah bin Umar:" Because Adma for fear of Allah dearer to me than charity on a thousand dinars. "
The Prophet peace be upon him seek refuge from the heart that does not focus properly says "... I seek refuge in You from the science does not work, and the heart does not show reverence and the same insatiable and not answered her call." Narrated by Muslim (2722).
And hardening of the hearts causes, but her paper causes - well - it causes hardening of the hearts:

1. Talking too much.

2. Denunciation of the covenant with God by sin and neglect their duties.

3. Laughing too much.
"Laughing too much deadens the heart," narrated by Ahmad (8034), and al-Tirmidhi (2305), and Ibn Majah (4217), and Shaykh al-Albaani classed in the "right" (506 and 927 and 2046).

Over Hasan al-Basri a young man who is engrossed in laughter, as he sat with the people on the board.
Hasan said to him: Oh boy Babat passed?!
He said: No!
He said: Can unknowingly become paradise or only fire?!
He said: No!
He said: What this laughter?!
What was felt after laughing boy.

Hassan was to say: Those who knew: that death is its supplier, and that the time schedule, and do the hands God مشهده: entitled to long lamented.

4. Eating too much.
Bishr ibn al-Harith said: two qualities that harden the heart: talking too much, and eating too much.

5. Many sins.
He says: Nay, but ran on their hearts what they earn} [Mutaffifin / 14], and said peace be upon him: "The believer if guilty was a black spot in his heart, if he repents and raan his heart, though increased increases until it covers his heart, That Arran, who said in his book: {Nay, but ran on their hearts what they earn} [Mutaffifin / 14]. Narrated by Ahmad (7892), and Tirmidhi (3334), and Ibn Majah (4244), and classed Sheikh Albani in "Saheeh Ibn Maajah" (3422).

He said some advances: hull If nudity slavery, as well as heart if I say sins Dmath rushed.

Uqbah ibn 'Aamir said: O Messenger of God: What is salvation? What is salvation? He said: "Hold your tongue, keep to your house, and weep for your sins" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2406), said: hasan hadeeth, and horses in "Targheeb" (2741).

6. Bad company.
The likeness of the Prophet peace be upon him Ibnafaj bellows - Bukhari (1995) and Muslim (2628) -.
Even large mixing harden heart salaf said: hardening of the heart of the four things if exceeded what is necessary: ​​eating, sleeping, and talking, and sociable.

It has been said, "Saheb drawer", and "printing steals from printing", it is sitting people negligence and the courage to sin secret to himself this malady: {and doer on his hands say I wish I took path with the Messenger * O Welty to Whitney not taken such a close friend. I have led me astray from the Reminder after it had reached me and the devil to man Khdhula} [Criterion / 27 - 29].
The Prophet, peace be upon him says: "the religion of one mistress, so let one of you يخالل" Narrated by Ahmad (8212), and al-Tirmidhi (2378), and Abu Dawood (4833), and a man in "Silsilah" (927).
Ibn Hibbaan said - God's mercy -:
Sapiens not be accompanied by the bad guys because bad company a piece of the shot, tracking grudges, not correct affection, and does not meet his promise.

And Ibn al-Qayyim said:
When you see yourself evasion of mankind to mankind moral character and be alone with God to be alone with gentiles, then you know you do not fix it. "Badaa'i benefits" (3/743).

Said Sheikh Abdul Rahman al-Saadi - God's mercy -:
Wholesale: Vmassahabh villains of all harmful faces keeps company with evil of Khalthm, how many perished because of them folks, how much Oqedua their friends to the perils of where they feel and they did not perceive. "

And Abu black الدؤلي said - God's mercy -: "God created the creature hurt sidekick bad."
Reasons and ways to soften the hearts and crying from the fear of God
The Muslim can be unrelenting heart and dry-eyed eye including hears and reads and sees; and that - after reconciling God Almighty - searching for reasons connected to it, and read Sir Ancestors and see their situation in this matter, and we will mention whatever of the two - the causes and conditions - perhaps God to benefit them, It is this:

1. Knowledge of God Almighty names and attributes and deeds.
Whoever God feared and asked him, and feared and asked him parchment heart and tears in his eye, and ignorance of the Lord hardened his heart and same Qahtt.
The shrines of faith: love, fear, and hope, and all those Muslim calls to cry.

Abu Suleiman Aldarani said - as mentioned by the Ibn Kathir in his biography in the "beginning and end" (10/256): everything science and science Letdown: left crying from the fear of God.
If God failed slave: usurp this blessed Tuft, and became naughty callous and rigid eye.
Valmahb cry longing for his beloved and fearful cry from leave him and I was afraid to leave him and Raji cry to get Required if I loved God called you love to cry longing for him, and if you are afraid of it invited his fear of crying from fear and punishment, and if Rjute invited his hope to weep in anticipation of pleasure and reward.
And to these three things - love, fear, and hope - pointed Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the hadeeth narrated sheikhs from Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him: that the Prophet peace consciousness and said: "Seven shade of God in shade on no shade but ... The man said God free eyes ففاضت "Bukhari (629), and Muslim (1031).
And the meaning of "Allah" fearful or loving or Rajya If a Muslim characterized this is happy, otherwise it is the deserter.

2. Read the Koran and ponder its verses.
God said - to describe scientists righteous slaves -: Those who were given knowledge before when it is recited to them, fall down in humble prostration. They say Glory of our Lord if our Lord promised to effect. And their faces weeping and increases them humility} [Isra :107-109].

Tabari said, when speaking about this verse: The Almighty says: and fall down those who have been given knowledge of the faithful people of the two books, by the descent of the Criterion, if recited the Koran to Ozkanam crying, and increases them what the Koran of sermons and lessons humility, means submissive to God's command and obedience Istikana him .
"Tabari" (15/181).

Qurtubi said: praise them, and the right of each of the labeled science, and got him something that is going to this place, Vijha when hearing the Quran and humble and humiliate.
"Qurtubi interpretation" (10/341).
{Him}: by the Prophet, peace be upon him, and crying when you hear what they came down.
It was: by the Koran, they are Jews and Christians, a good news for those who fear them they surrender, which is what happened as in the verse: {And when they heard what was revealed to the Prophet see their eyes overflowing with tears, which knew of the right} [Round: 83].

The first verses - Isra - Makiya, which came down in Mecca:
Meaning: those who blessed them from the prophets of the descendants of Adam and who make us with Noah and the descendants of Abraham and Israel, who guided and Ajtbena if recited to them verses Rahman fall down prostrate and cried} [Mary / 58].

The verse "star":
{This harbinger of the first vows. Ozvt Alazfah. Not without God revealing. Whom this talk تعجبون. And laugh and weep. And you Samdon. Then prostrate to God and worship} [star / 56 - 62].
This breeding companions on paper heart and sincerity of faith, and that laughter right can only be in the hereafter.
{Who sin used to laugh at those who believe. If passed, they winked. If they turned to their parents turned destined to be. And if they saw them they said that these misguided. And sent as guardians over them. Today, those who believe the laugh of disbelievers. On couches, gazing. Are not the disbelievers what they were doing. [Mutaffifin / 29 - 36] which Sura Makiya.
This is the case of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him with the Koran.
Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: Read the Koran, he said: I said: O Messenger of God read you revealed to you? He said: I I desire to hear it from someone else, he said: I read women even if they reach {so how about if we come from every nation a witness and We bring you (O Muhammad) lifted my head or man Gmsena to my side and I saw the tears flowing.
Bukhari (4306) and Muslim (800).
This is the case companions of the Prophet peace be upon him with the Koran.
Abu Saleh said: When the people of Yemen in the time of Abu Bakr Vsmawa Koran made crying Abu Bakr said: So we were then hardened hearts!!

The case Abu Bakr describes Aisha says:
What disease the Prophet peace be upon him his illness he died Attah Bilal Aoznh prayer and said: Tell Abu Bakr pray I said: Abu Bakr man Asif - in the novel: does not have a tear, in the novel: Abu Bakr was a man crying; does not have his eyes if he recites Quran - The sojourn cry do not have an estimated reading .... Bukhari (633), and Muslim (418).

And Abdullah ibn Shaddad said: I heard the sobbing of age and I'm in the last row, reading Surat Yusuf {only complain of بثي and sorrow to God [Yusuf / 86].
Bukhari is pending, see: "Baari" Ibn Hajar (2/206).
And sobbing: to raise one's voice crying.

And Salim bin Abdullah Ibn Umar {read even seem in yourselves or conceal Ahacpkm Allah} verse - [cow / 284] -; Vdmat eyes bringing creature Ibn Abbas said: God have mercy on Abu 'Abd al-Rahman, has also making making the companions of the Messenger God's peace be upon him when he landed, Venschtha verse after which her what they earned and gained} - [cow / 286] -.

And Tamim Dari, God bless him he recited this verse: {Or do who اجترحوا evil that make them like those who believe and do good deeds} [الجاثية / 21] Making repeated until the morning and cry.

And read Ibn Umar: {Will This day} [Mutaffifin / 1] and when he reached: {the day when the people the Lord of the Worlds} [Mutaffifin / 6] cried until another and declined to read later.
And said plagiarized stoned God: I read on Aisha these verses: it is God we and وقانا torment toxins} [Tur / 27] wept, and said: "Lord of and قني torment toxins."
Such was the case of the Almighty to the Day of Judgment.

Read man when Omar bin Abdul Aziz - who was the governor of the city - meaning: if they threw them a narrow Mqrnin place there called destructions} [Criterion / 13] even drop wept tears, and Ola Ncejeh! So, from his council, went into his house, and divide people.
The Mohammed bin Munkadir of pillowcases readers, not lost control cry if he read an interview Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, said that he Pena is a one-night stands to pray as Astbeky, Vkther crying even panic him his family and asked him, Fastagam them and gone down in tears, they sent to my father Hazem came to him, he said: what Ibkak? Said: passed me a sign, he said: What is it? He said: {and it seemed to them that God unless they are counted} [Cliques / 47] Abu Hazim wept with hardened Pkaahma.

Said Ibrahim bin Shaggy: I heard Vdala says one night he read Surat Muhammad peace be upon him, and crying and repeating this verse: {We shall test even know Mujahideen of you and the patient and Nblo your news} [Mohammed / 31] and make says: Thbloa News, and repeating: The Thblo News, The Plaut News Vdanna, and violated the Ostarna, Plaut News , and crying.
The previously mentioned a number of crying - may God have mercy on them -. 

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