The story of a young Muslim man with an English girl

The story of a young Muslim man with an English girl

Her name Elizabeth Girl English in the twenty-year-old went on a trip with her friends and got lost on the way has been cattle on the road between the fields to be found a house in a village.

 was night has cast  and darkness surrounds the place knocked on the door after hesitating open her young Iilatyn old and told her: Who are you? Told him I am a student and I came with my friends on a school trip in an area near here but I was wandering alone amid the woods and esta from the road and do not know the way back he said to her that she deserted area Andermatt that best for you in terms of ... South and you are now in hand North and here Aeskin one asked them to enter and spend the night with  until the morning to be able to find a way to her hometown borne
She was afraid and hesitant, especially the young foreigner and live alone, but entered and gave her tea and some eating and asked her to sleep in his bed and is Cinema on the ground told him not, but he insisted that sleeps on the bed and took izaar and suspended from a rope between them in order to separate them Vastelguet girl on the bed and is still scared and covered themselves in order not to show them anything and took the opportunity to watch the young and the young man was sitting reading a book and suddenly close the book and take the candle that is seen in front of him and then put his finger over large candle for a few minutes and then put his finger the second and so on until the burned fingers whole and the girl watched from behind the Mizar transparent and are crying silently and fear of being جنيا and practiced a ritual not slept a two that night with dawn the young man and prayed then sat and is God calls softly surprised the girl from that and with sunrise has to prepare breakfast gave her eating and told her now I receipt Where do you want delivers the young man to a main roads and when it came time bus bought her ticket and has Btodaaha when she returned the girl to her house and found her family and her friends waiting for fearful that have happened to her hated but was still under the influence of shock and fear she recalled her father what happened, but did not believe it the next day went and the girl's father to the village and met so young and told him I wayfarer possible that in  young man said to him: Welcome to the girl's father noted in the young man bandaged fingers and asks him what's wrong? The young man told him yesterday came to a beautiful girl who was lost and I have slept and it was the devil whispers to me to sleep with her and was the more intense my obsessive put a finger of my fingers over the candle so burnt and I remember the fire of the Hereafter and burning lust Satan and was thinking in the attack on the girl It hurts me more than burning the girl's father impressed the young man and invited him to his house and decided to marry her daughter without knowing the young man that that girl is the daughter of the man instead of being accrue to one night in the Sacred won by longevity

A very impressive story and a wonderful lesson this is to create a Muslim
Thank you

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