Child prodigy Abderrahmane 3 years old and knows the Koran fluently

Child prodigy Abderrahmane 3 years old and knows the Koran fluently

Hosted sunrise yesterday afternoon at its headquarters phenomenon unique if not over time miracles end of the mission of the prophets and apostles we are otherwise described as a miracle ..
It is the kid, "Farah Abdul Rahman" is only three years اصطفاه God to be the dignity of We came sends to people in the month-favorite month of mercy and forgiveness, in his days the last ten days in the land of Algeria knows the Koran Smaa sometimes from when his mother, and at other times of watching the television voice of Sheikh Afasy.

Child prodigy in Vorom sunrise .

Will over the hearing one of us or saw eye view of children in the three-year-old knows the Koran and facilitate the fence sleepless the love Metrakba without errors in the rules of recitation or confusion between the fence and the verses.
Name this child described, is "Farah", and the title of "Farah", and the right of him and his parents that Iatza and Afarha which came out of the starboard sperm from me.
Known we that a child at the age of still subject to play and cry, sleep "breastfeeding" at best, if not that of his peers who is now in the arms of his mother shake left and right and patting his body to sleep to let her turn to prepare dinner breakfast! ..

We are a team sunrise at once to the place emission sound genius "Abdul Rahman" he opened the session Surat cave recited Hafs from Asim of Shatebya, trying to imitate Sheikh Afasy, did not err in Sura one mistake, but he came all Almdod and by movements known when specialists and despite his cold, and Atfaa temperature, but he insists that is hymn, even Oagafnah drawing on it and passion of us to see its curiosities in the conservation and empowerment of accuracy in raising raised extending elongated and break broken and thinning diluted of characters, and diphthong Madgm Balgna and is Aghannh .
What fascinates your mind, dear reader that genius "Abdul Rahman" delayed uttered for two full years, and what pronunciation - says his mother - pronunciation reading the cave without costing or stress in the exits characters, but more than that he read, as if born out as described by his father as such, Even if his father took him surprising socket confusion Vchks eyesight and Saada and an honorable place in the "summit" of his son which delayed Andjabh 3 full years, and he sees hardly believe what he sees ..

The important point in the case of the phenomenon, "Abdul Rahman" when he was in his mother's womb, The latter was Moaillh on Kahf day, Touhma them, and that ending them so covered with comfort and tranquility for unmatched, and confirms scientists embryos that the fetus is affected including influenced by his mother If lover of music, came down in this case and fell to the baby and wrapped it in Public, But if the mother is affected by hearing the Koran - which is the case at hand - The voice of the Koran to the fetal heart ... And Sobhan of فأبدع create creation.
Media and the Secretariat every appreciation for Quran Radio and director of this cooperation for discovery النوابغ in the land of miracles, uttered Moufdi Zakaria generations left تلعلع in our skies.

  His mother was upgraded verses, the owner of 6 months
Pronunciation of the Holy Quran at the age of two years old and asked his father to hear the Koran in the car

And the mother of the child said Abdul Rahman that her son began to save it for parts that protect it from the Koran from hearing the Afasy TV channel which was listened to it a lot, especially in periods in which you spend in prayer.
She said that what he was six months old she was upgraded so as to protect him from eye and all evil, and when he had finished reading the Koran in order to wipe the body to raise his hands to it in preparation for the survey and accommodating him to recite the Koran over.
The miracle in this child as I mentioned his mother that he uttered what was heard from recitations consecutive channel Afasy before to utter words normal at the age of two years old, and although he does not know pronunciation of words full is not known to express their needs and should it absorbs well Name the fence and verses that fall underneath, known label conversations.
According to his mother that her son can neither read nor write but he was able to save some of the Koran by listening continuous channel Afasy that does not love a substitute for, registered regret that it is no longer broadcast now Quran as in the past, and keeping well this much From the book of God-Aziz al-Hakim at the hearing to save his mother, who kept Sura and the latter part of the miracle of our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
At his young age, a child Abdul Rahman respected in recitation Seeking refuge from the accursed Satan and the label and respect most of the provisions tide and other provisions, and what little newly appointed mentions the narrator as well as not to miss a prayer and peace be upon the Holy Prophet whenever mention is or anything else, which are learned also from the channel Aallasi also of the surroundings family consisting of his mother and his father, who blessed him after waiting for three years.
The strange and inspiring more to this miracle child that same wall, which was read and his mother her pregnancy is able to save easily Satellite, also saves Duaa Quran undiminished as was reviewed yesterday in the daily sunrise forum.
As Abdul Rahman started uttering read Almaoztin, late Sura and verse of the Holy verses you hesitate a day in the morning and evening prayers, and the intensity and passion for the Holy Quran Abdul Rahman asks his father always hears Duaa Quran moments he was with him in the car.

  Was admired son Minshawi .. The child's father
"Take care of a very talented son to become memorized and المقرئين"

Line and the child's father Abdul Rahman initial program for the life of his son is helping him with audio visual for Thfaza Quran full mastery of various readings, until reaching the age of five, where intends to enter into a Koranic school upright where reciting the hands of teachers, and frequency in entered in this Age fear that mixes things and forget what saved from chapters and verses, he still does not know how to read or write.
The child was admired great nephew reciter Sheikh explained to his appearance on the TV screen in the share Sbahiat since about a week, and praised him Sheikh and to read and save the young age, he phenomenon unique and a little presence in the world and is the owners on tiptoe , adding that they deserve support and refinement to inform stages of completeness and perfection.
And the price of Abdul Rahman's father Algerian state efforts and attention ten years ago the Holy Quran and saved through its material and create contests and media attention and other things that stimulates own talent and bringing it to the final stages.
And admonished the boy's father officials in Algeria that after the appearance of his son a week ago on television miraculously conservation Ibanha front of millions of viewers, but none of them did not bother to pick up the phone to encourage the child and encourage it to continue her journey.
This did not deter the resolve of the parent who promised that makes him Mqria and up to the status of the Holy Quran.

  Abderrahmane child phenomenon speaks to Sunrise spontaneously
"I'm two weeks .. I watch channel Afasi and when I grow up I'll buy bread for my mother"

Recite the Quran with a smile, Chdh things around him, driven but not stop reading the Koran when mistakes corrected him and his mother from time to time some lapses reading, responds and goes on to read, does not depend only when you are finished Sura, changed his face change Aaatalqran Quran, and reciting Quran with its provisions, how a child did not exceed three years old to preserve the cave, and Mary, and Amma and even prophetic?
When you stand in front of Abdul Rahman, a saves Quran tajweed and uphold think you you're in front of a sheikh or imam, but in the case Abdarahman We are facing a small child does not even know to read and write so that when we asked him how old he replied: "I'm two weeks", and when asked to read the Koran does not forget something from him and does not stop only when corrected him after lapses, so that his tongue is still spoken some characters broken, when we raised on his mother how Remember Abderrahmane Quran she replied, "When I was pregnant I read a Alqranalkarim you every Friday read Cave, and daily read Almaoztin and Al King, after the birth of Abdul Rahman, you Erekaya day and read it reciting the morning and the evening, did not sleep but when I read dhikr, and Anda Erekaya rest and sleep, "In response when I discovered that Ihfezalqran Karim said after two years of age. .
And his diary says his mother that he spends his day watching the channel "Afasy" especially when display portions of the Koran, and even when seeing plays have croons to himself verses from the Quran, and when I want to put him animation software refuses and asks me View channel Afasy .
Abdul Rahman did not enter a Koranic school, not a mosque, did not teach a Quran, therefore, is also said of him and his father "angel keeper of the book of God," his mother strength of its keenness him afraid it from mixing and playing in the street for fear that forget what saved from the book God or to preserve other things.
It is worth mentioning that his mother told Sunrise that will be circumcised in this Ramadan ..

Granting him a considerable amount of money
Ali Fadhil honors child phenomenon and delight to his parents

Karam, Director-General Ali Fadhil child phenomenon Abdul Rahman Farah and his parents, giving him a considerable amount of money during the coming guest of the Forum newspaper Echorouk.
The child had been Abderrahmane spontaneously and childhood innocence cooperate with the Director-General Ali Fadhil holds his hands to tell him "God bless you", and seemed very happy with what had given him the Director-General Ali Fadhil. The child phenomenon has read the coming guest of newspaper Echorouk each of the cave, and some parts of the uncle, also stood Director-General of the newspaper Echorouk Ali Fadhil length with the father Abdarahman Mohamed Farah, the latter, who thanked the generosity of the Director-General noted Baleltfath big for him and his son, asking the authorities to help him to take care of 'Abd al-Rahman, until it becomes one of the keepers and the Holy Book of God campaign.

Abdel-Rahman and microphone
Gathered around Abderrahmane crew Echorouk newspaper reporters and photographers, however, did not never flustered in front of the cameras and not in front of the camera, while he was reciting the Koran He plays the microphone that much intensity.
I'll buy bread for my mother when I grow up
Spontaneously absolute Abderrahmane response to a reporter when asked what will be in the future, he replied: "I'll buy bread for my mother when I grow up .." ..
I know sunrise because my father bought
Abdul Rahman said he knows sunrise because his father bought a day, and brought him to the house, and his father said that the newspaper Echorouk daily intervention to the house, saying: It's really close to our hearts Gazette.
I watch Afasi and pray with my father in the mosque
Re Abderrahmane absolute spontaneity that watching Afasy TV channel, and that goes with his father to pray, and know how to pray.
I Weeks
In response to a questions about age child said phenomenon that old "two weeks" before correcting his father's age and is saying I am three years old, and I live in Bir Tota.

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