A new technique to use USB connections in shipping laptops

A new technique to use USB connections in shipping laptops

    The new technology will enable USB connections from carrying electrical power up to 100 watts.

In September 15, 2012
Intel offered new technology that developed with a number of partners called USP PD. This technology seeks to use USB connections in the near future for the shipment of computers and other electrical devices that need a great deal of energy.
And USB 2.0 can carry 2.5 watts of power, while the lifting capacity of the newest generation USB 3.0 to 4.5 watts, and in some cases can use technology to charge batteries that need to be 7.5 watts of power. However, these possibilities are limited compared to need some portable devices to 10 watts of power, at least, while this figure rises to 18 watts for computers tablet and most computer peripherals, and 36 watts for laptops, and 60 watts for the computers larger and some accessories, and 100 watts for workstations.
Intel has teamed up with a number of companies and private organization formed to develop technical and completed the development of their own standards in July. The company expected the arrival of the first devices that support standard USB PD market in late 2012. The alliance includes corporate sponsors of this technology both from HP and Intel, Microsoft and Rinesas Electronics and S T Ericsson and Texas Instruments.
The company said that this technology will help battery chargers to support all kinds of devices, especially those that need a higher power such as computers tablets and laptops, although this technique may compete technology Thunderbolt development of Intel itself characterized by speeds transfer much higher than USB, However, the latter characterized by availability in almost all devices.
The group developed the technology delivery to more devices such as audio and video devices, monitors and projectors as well.

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