Facebook users beware of this virus

                       Facebook users beware of this virus

If you are a social networking site users « Facebook » and Ouselk title Newsflash supported video file claims that the United States bombed Saudi Arabia , Iran, and raises the question Is World War III began ?
 Make sure you are standing in front of an attempt to penetrate your computer, this title which deludes the person that comes from network «CNN» not only virus hunts his victims through the application of them click on link to view the details and see the attached video and to submit a person to do so until they are asking him to download a file Flash to complete the process of viewing and this virus enters the corner to the device and crossed.
 According to the company data protection (Sophos) has reached the number of victims of this new virus during the early hours of the spread of about 60 thousand people, despite an attempt by Facebook to block its link.

However, the spread continues through Facebook accounts that have been compromised and controlled by hackers or through gaps in Facebook itself or within a web browser via JavaScript language .

And provided firm Sophos general inter tips for Web surfers to avoid exposure to viruses, including the failure to quickly open links News lacks logic like the United States is offering to attack an ally as well as software update not only from their real .

And active many messages viral site Facebook in recent years so that some are trying to hunt his victims by placing links to news fakes and these fake messages «will convert site« Facebook »to the site is free on March 15 next, if you have an account now and you want to make free range life .. Enter here 'and' Enter the Charge 100 pounds freebee balance of Mobinil, Vodafone or contacts within minutes » .

Also spread via Facebook virus exploited need members and request the previous management Facebook to activate a button named Dislike provides function opposite to the button famous Like where baptizing virus to send a message saying that the property is now available and can be anyone who wants to be activated by clicking the link «Enable Dislike Button» but when you click on baptizing virus link to send itself to all the friends of the person who clicked on the link and more than typing text cynical in the Public Profile and running scripts Paljavaskrebt via browser.

Please accept my sincere greetings.

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