Cellulite How should be addressed and disposal

            Cellulite How should be addressed and disposal
Cellulite is a change in the class topographic skin occur in most female form have reached the age of puberty, a word derived from the word cell cell means conglomerate subcutaneous fat due to hernia of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue, forming what looks like orange peel, leading to uneven skin and distort Ansiabath and smoothness private area of ​​the thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

May also affect cellulite area postmenopausal breast and different degrees of injury Balsilolit from mild to severe and not directly related to obese and increases with increasing weight.
Cellulite often appears when girls and women for the following reasons:
1 - the physiological composition of a woman's body is different from a man's body, especially at the level of hormonal secretions in the blood.
2 - a man's blood does not contain the kind of female hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are affected by the arteries and cells to a large extent.
3 - speed of blood circulation and lymph session when a female different from that of a man, and the emergence of hemorrhoids and varicose veins inflate the veins of the anus and legs and feet at a high rate of women compared to men is proof of that.
Factors in the appearance of cellulite:
The presence of cellulite does not mean you suffer from overweight. Can not be a religion, however you have cellulite Here are the most important factors that lead to the appearance of cellulite have:
- Hormonal imbalance factor in the rate of estrogen / progesterone pill, menopause
- Genetic factor, genetic factors a definite impact on the number and sizes of fat cells, working digestive system, constipation, lack of exercise and sleep long.
- Unhealthy diet, smoking, psychological factor, fatigue and psychological stress.
- Slow metabolism, physical inactivity, thickness and color of skin "Cellulite is noticeable in dark skin."

 Food Tips for the treatment of cellulite:
- Reduce salt as Lisp salt water storage in tissues and prefer eating potassium salts.
- Use unrefined sugar such as sugar cane or fructose or fructose.
- Green tea, it dryer wonderful fat and helps the combustion process.
- Stay away from the sun because they cause weakness in the elasticity of the skin.

Ways to treat cellulite:
- Liposuction is a surgical operation to remove fat deposits from the body. This means Complete only rarely because they can come adverse Bntgah.
- Massage and spa treatments and other spa treatments have a temporary effect on the non-appearance of cellulite and working to reduce it and improve appearance and show the result after two months of Almdoama on one of these treatments.
- Sauna: Some believe that saunas work on LOSS body where temperatures very high start which race Baltsbb of the body Vtatkd women that شحمها was melting slowly but this is also the face of the aspects of the misconception, because the sauna does not detract weight does not melt fat but help to produce the amount of body fluids (sweat) replace them with women sooner drinking the amount of water parallel to what has already been lost.

- Private cellulite creams: a substance for the treatment of asthma. Can be for these creams also a negative effect may work to narrow the blood vessels and the imprisonment of water under the skin and may cause allergic reactions for some people making these creams seriously, especially those who suffer from circulatory problems
- Mesotherapy "Mesotherapyis" newly found this treatment in Europe, used to relieve pain diseases icy Allthabiyh. These injections contain substances such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, enzymes and is injected under the skin. This Aloslh check marked improvement in the appearance of the skin.
- Newly doctors also began to use infrared waves emitting private help disabled adipose tissue.
- The best and safest way is exercise with a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fiber and drink more than two liters of water a day.

Alternative medicine treatment method :
Roman bath can save you from cellulite permanently :
                     - Strong massage :
By massaging the body strongly oils booster plus oils anti-cellulite, and called experts out oils "heated" or "garrison" because it penetrates the pores of the skin and works to dissolve fat simple, and time after time you start oils to dismantle fat and stimulate blood circulation, and thus active with session lymph and turning fat into gradual waste graduated from the body, this step is working to dismantle the first level of fat.

                             - Dry rubbing :

After the initial step directly body rubbed with salt dry food, this process works to stimulate blood circulation and lymph, after that heats the body and be ready for the disposal of all blocs and fatty drain fat from the body.

                                - Holy shock

After rubbing the area with salt, starts activity Karim containing material Almintol effective doing cooler surprise for the body to be a shock after heat gained as a result of massage salt, begins pores bloom way more, and get rid of the parts that accumulates out cellulite and receive effect Quran better, you can Holy buy from the pharmacy without the smell and add the essential oil with him after mitigation.

Note: Be careful adding the strong one aromatic oils to Karim such as (peppermint oil - juniper oil - lemon or lemon grass oil - thyme oil - celery - rosemary oil - grapefruit - basil oil) these oils work on the heating body well, and rid the pores of the skin of water held in the body, here the body begins to receive Quran and the dismantling of the second degree of cellulite (fat composite).
This step depends on the strength of decent components used in massage, these oils can be done domestically and without effort, and grease daily oil massage in the abdominal area and buttocks and upper thighs and avoid arm put anything on the chest area.

                          - Attach yourself

Many books World dealt system used in these centers and private final step which is called the "fasten yourself", which take place after the previous steps by body wrap paper "foil" for 1/2 hour after applying the cream, to keep the body temperature, pushing toxins body through sweat.
After the specified time lifting the foil, leaving the body to relax and rest for an hour until he returns to normal temperature, and at this time should refrain from eating, drinking or effort or the sun until circulatory calm down and completely seated .. After several times cellulite disappear.



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