Canada ranked ninth among the most integrity around the world !

Canada ranked ninth among the most integrity around the world !

According to an annual report issued recently in Berlin, Germany by Transparency International, a non-governmental organization established in 1993 to combat the phenomenon of corruption around the world that Canada resolved in ninth place among a list of the order of two hundred countries.

Canada was ranked tenth in the previous annual report, which was issued in 2011 that ranked Canada advanced degree in a report in 2012.

And was in the first place evenly each from Denmark, Finland and finally, Somalia and North Korea and Afghanistan in the last ranking of the regulation on the grounds as the most corrupt nations and bribery around the world.

The United States was ranked nineteenth in the list while she was ranked twenty-fourth last year it among the top twenty countries considered by the organization cleaner and a departure from the corruption around the world.

The United States had been excluded from the list of twenty over the last two years because of financial scandals that her desk.

Referred to the bottom of the list occupied by Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Sudan, Iraq and Haiti, in addition to the three countries that we have mentioned previously Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan.

And dissolved Qatar and the United Arab Emirates at the head of the Arab countries least corrupt while Egypt ranked 118 in the list.

And include the information used for the installation of the index issues related to bribing government officials and kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of public funds and the effectiveness of the efforts of the public sector and the fight against corruption.

At the Canadian noteworthy that the province of Quebec had experienced last year to form an independent inquiry headed by Judge France Charbonneau to investigate allegations of corruption in the construction sector after hesitating government Liberal Party earlier led Jean abnormal for a long period in the formation of such a committee is expected to publish its report late next year.

Says Michel Nadu Director General of the Foundation studies on ways to governance in public and private organizations, an NGO on the fight against corruption around the world and in Canada: There are communities decided not to accept any form of corruption and this decision includes legislative bodies and officials, administrators and individuals which all the components of society.

Referred to a demonstration against corruption marched in the city of Montreal at the invitation of the League of the civil movement in today's world of transparency and anti-corruption, says Frederic Abwant the head of the organization:

It is important that the citizens exercise their right to vote, in the municipal area note that participation in the vote is very weak and in some cases there is no need to vote as there is only one candidate, so we encourage people to nominate themselves, especially after getting the necessary information.

Internationally invited the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon on the occasion of this World Day of the obligation to bear the responsibilities through effective action against corruption and uncover who practice and adopt a culture adopt ethical values ​​in the deal. 

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