Best Photos NASA in 2012

Best Photos NASA in 2012

 We offer you today's best pictures NASA was photographed by NASA satellites "best pictures of NASA in 2012"

1. Solar waves: 
This picture was taken in the August 31, 2012 shows the beam long solar radiation reaching the Earth, which broke through the Earth's atmosphere at 10:36 pm EST Cairo has traveled this beam faster than 900 miles per hour to reach the earth - and remarked how the small size land for the sun beam and abroad -

2. Super Nova from the Hubble Telescope: 

Using Altlescun Hubble scientists space to resolve many of the puzzles that we do not know about space and remained questions for a considerable period does not have a solution within these questions Are the stars are all resemble each that there divisions comprising a group of stars and this image of a supernova or star festering in a galaxy close .

3. Mickey Mouse on the surface of the planet Mercury: 

This picture was taken crater Magritte West Mercury in the hole was named newly Magritte and confirmed by NASA that this image is not modified or has been manipulated by space scientists These Big Hole exist north two holes small resulting from that situation be shaped like the face of Mickey Mouse cartoon character at Disney World .

4. Transit of Venus in front of the sun:

Daily 5.6 June 2012 were collected multiple images of the transit of Venus between the Earth and the sun in a rare set of pictures is combined with each other to form the picture with us now. This event occurs every 105 or 112 years has this rare event occurred in 2004 and is expected that it will not happen before 2117 .

5. The most beautiful earth imagery:

According to Flicker website recorded this image of the blue planet more than 3.1 million views, making it one of the most images that have been seen on the site during the week and only one .

6. Image of Hurricane Sandy:

The satellite NOAA's GOES-13 captures this image during the passage of Hurricane Sandy on October 18 at 3:02 am Cairo time and that the image shows Hurricane Sandy was on the outskirts of north-eastern coast of the U.S. 

7. Ocean currents:

This one satellite images that monitor water currents in the ocean.

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