New Seven Wonders of the World

                         New Seven Wonders of the World

 "New Seven Wonders" is an initiative launched in 2001 Foundation of the same name and based in Zurich, Switzerland-based, and work has continued for years, and was calling to choose a new list includes the seven wonders of the 200 impact is worldwide. The final list was declared in July 2007 after the participation of more than 100 million people to vote via telephone and the Internet, according to the organizer. Due to the inaccuracy of the voting system, which did not prevent the same person or entity to make sound multiple times, has pulled UNESCO the United Nations to support this referendum near completion and announcement of results, and announced that no more than a "private initiative", after she had supported him at the beginning of the command.
Also protested Egypt in particular among the world on this referendum, due to the fact that the Great Pyramid is the only impact the rest and located so far from the list of the Seven Wonders of the original, and considered the Egyptian Minister of Culture - at that time - Farouk Hosni this project, "silly", and aims primarily First "trade promotion and propaganda calling for him." Therefore forced organizers of the referendum to delete the Great Pyramid from the list displayed effects of the referendum, and considered outside competition, to become an honorary member of an additional list of the Seven Wonders without undergoing the vote.
The final list of the new seven wonders of the world, which resulted from the result of the vote, expanded to the following: 

                    Machu Picchu

 Machu Picchu is an archaeological site dating back to the Inca civilization in the fifth century AD, and there is at an altitude of 2430 meters above sea level in Couso state area Peru in South America. Place when construction was a city, and whose name means "top of the mountain of old," has been the discovery of this archaeological site in 1911 at the hands of American Explorer Hiram Bingham while he was looking for the effects of people Inca destroyed by the Spaniards, and found this place, and they cover walls full papers plants, and discovered that the Spanish occupation did not touch him ill, did not discover he was a mostly before. And nicknamed the lost city of Machu Picchu, has joined the World Heritage List in 1983. 

           the statue of Christ the Redeemer

 Found the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and is considered a symbol of Brazil as a whole, as it has great religious significance for Christians around the world. Colossus embodies Christ and is the fifth-tallest statue of Christ in the world, with a height of about 40 meters, and the weight Faisal to 635 tons and is located on the top of Corcovado mountain height of up to 710 meters. The statue was designed artist Brazilian Heitor da Silva Costa, and implemented by the French sculptor Paul to Andweski in the garden Tijuca National Forest, overlooking the city. The statue is made of concrete and soapstone, was completed in 1931, has been established below in 2006 a Catholic church. 

                              Impact Indian
Impact Indian known, and made of white marble, is built Sultan Shah Jahan in memory of his late wife Mumtaz Mahal and even have cemetery her, and took built nearly twenty years, to expire in 1653, becomes a gem of Islamic architecture in India, and a monuments received admired around the world, where commemorates love story wonderful collected between the Sultan and his wife, as he build on a distinguished level artistic and architectural as well, combining several models architectural are Islamic, Persian and Ottoman and Indian, and participated in the implementation of thousands of artists and workers. The UNESCO the United Nations to include the Taj Mahal in the list of World Heritage in 1983. 

                      pyramid Beer Itza

This pyramid is located in the Ti Nomme Mexico, and is one of the most attractive monuments to tourists in Mexico, where it is visited annually about one million and 200 thousand visitors. Back to create this Mayan pyramid in the period of 600 - 900 BC, and the meaning of his name their "Beer Itza language." The discovery of this pyramid, which has a height of 54 meters, the world archaeological American Edward Thompson in the late nineteenth century and archaeological construction was then covered with plants and then found its features. 


Petra is an ancient city located about 225 kilometers south of the Jordanian capital, Amman, and is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the country and in the world, due to the lack of unparalleled anywhere else. Petra is a city full like a castle carved into the rock pink, and the name means in Greek (rock), also known as the Pink City relative to the color of its rocks. Built Petra in 400 BC, and close by a mountain of Aaron which is believed to contain the tomb of the Prophet Aaron and seven springs which hit Prophet Moses his rock  stick. Petra was discovered in 1812 at the hands of the Orientalist francs.

               Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China is one of the seven wonders of the world, which fascinates the whole world has to be aware of some information about it but do not know much
So you will learn in this report Aktar information on the Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China is the tallest building built by human on Earth as a length of about 6400 km.
Mijolh of the toughest places which can be visited tourist In 2006, the American couple to obtain
Permission from the Chinese government for separate trips to walk along the wall, which you need to walk 48 kilometers a day
For a year and hiking among a variety of terrain stretching from mountains and deserts, swamps and harder than that
Eat a large portion of the wall in some areas, making it a very tight
It is likely that the establishment of this wall, which began in the early fifth century BC continued from time to time until the end in the early seventeenth century
And extends along the northern border and the North West of China (PRC) "Chnhuangtao" on the Gulf of Bohai Sea (Yellow Sea) in the Middle
To Gautay area in Gansu province in the west and build another wall to the south and spread of the Beijing area to Handen
The greatest and the largest project in the past and newly intensity bulkiness Vhualbina only one who saw the astronauts from the moon.
Extends this ancient archaeological fence on the border in northern and north-western of the People's Republic of China, from the Gulf of the Yellow Sea in the east to Gansu Province in the west along the northern border of China's historical, so as to protect the country from attacks that were launched by some nomadic tribes in the north. UNESCO has added this wall to the list of World Heritage in 1987. Started building this wall in 222 BC. Expires in 206 BC. M, with the participation of about 300 thousand people, extends to a distance of 8850 km in the form of control in the form of arch mountain Anhanaouath and terrain and hills that proof. 


Archaeological this building giant is a giant amphitheater cylindrical shape is located in the center of the Italian capital, Rome, and had a capacity to nearly 50 thousand people, sitting to watch gladiators fighting with each other or with the predators in its circular courtyard. Was starting to build the Colosseum between 70 and 72 AD, and work it took 8-10 years to end built in 80 AD. This theater has been using for after the fall of the Roman Empire until the sixth century AD, and is the most famous example of the theaters built on Roman-style, and with a height of 50 meters, and around 527 meters. Although influenced by this great building some earthquakes that struck the region surrounding it, and the destruction of some parts of it, but so far it remains an icon Roman architecture, and a witness to one of the ancient civilizations. 

 Not skimp we suspend

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