Shorter 10 wars have passed through history

Shorter 10 wars have passed through history 

                Enter the country in wars, or even being threatened, meant to be ready for it, but there seems to be deceived by his power on nothing, to deliver a quick defeat in the shortest wars in history. 

Learn together on shorter frequent wars throughout the ages: 

1) Falklands War

This war took place in 1982. Was between Britain and Argentina after the army decided to Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands that follow.

 Argentina geographically Although its inhabitants are of British living there since the days of British colonialism to the islands, characterized by islands "Falkland" system autonomy and follow the British Crown, when Argentina decided to besiege the islands was after a national demand to restore these islands again and return to the bosom of the nation, but Britain was considered an invasion against a territory, this sent its navy that went to war against the Argentine army for 42 days ended in the defeat of Argentina and the survival of the Falkland Islands under the British Crown.

2) Lithuanian Polish war

This war was an armed conflict after the First World War between Poland and Lithuania, two countries which are located in Eastern Europe and the newly independent states, conflict broke out because of the desire to control the Vilnius region and Soualki, war began to 1920 and continued for 37 days. Ended with the victory of Poland. 

3) Second Balkan War

Is a war in the Balkans broke out between Bulgaria face Serbia, Greece, Romania, Montenegro and Ottoman states on the other. That was in 1913, and war lasted 32 days. Ended the war by defeating Bulgaria. 

4) Greek-Turkish war

Called war of thirty days, started in 1897, this was a war between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Greece. Was due to the island of Crete Ottoman Greek majority. Ended the war by defeating Greece. 

5) the Sino-Vietnamese war

War took place between the Chinese People's Liberation Army and between Alventam, war took place in 1979 and lasted 27 days. There was inconclusive as both sides claimed to be the winner. 

6) the Armenian-Georgian war

Another war in the troubled eastern Europe broke out in 1918 between Armenia and Georgia because of a border dispute on some cities, the war lasted 24 days that Britain intervened and approved the reconciliation between the two parties having reached a formula to ensure that bilateral management of these border towns. 

7) Bulgarian Serbian war

Is a war broke out between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1885 and lasted for two weeks. War ended European powers recognized standardization Bulgaria. This war has raised fears the Europeans of rising Bulgarian power.

8) Pakistani-Indian war

Since the separation of Pakistan from India in 1947, the tension was scene between the two leaders, this was not strange war between the two countries in the year 1971, after the intervention of India to support the insurgency inside Pakistan ended the independence of Bangladesh. This war lasted 13 days. 

9) Arab-Israeli War

Is a war broke out between Israeli forces on the one hand and forces (the Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, Iraqi, Saudi Arabia, Morocco,
Algerian, Libyan, Kuwait, Tunisia, Sudan) on the other in 1967, the war lasted for 6 days. 

10) English Zanzibar War

Is a war broke out between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar after the death of Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini Busaidi and grab his cousin and cousin Khalid bin Barghash on to power in 1896 AD, the war lasted for 38 minutes and killed 500 people from forces of Sultan and wounding one British, and thus these shorter war registered in history . 


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