Number of children of the Prophet peace be upon him with the names of their mothers

Number of children of the Prophet peace be upon him with the names of their mothers

                    Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and on his family and after:

The number of children Prophet peace be upon him seven, three males and four females - and Hack statement names as follows: 
1 - denominator who nicknamed by the Prophet peace be upon him said: Abu al-Qasim peace be upon him and his mother Khadija girl Khuwaylid Qurashiyyah God bless them. 

2 - Abdullah, and said to him: pure and good, and his mother as well as God bless them.

 3 - Ibrahim, a smaller Sons peace upon him, and his mother Maria Coptic God bless them. All of whom died in infancy.

God bless them. Girls: 

4 - God bless them Zainab. 

5 - Paper God bless them. 

6 - Umm Kulthum God bless them.

 7 - Fatima, may Allah be pleased: It Ahbehn him peace be upon him, and all of them girls God bless them, all boys Prophet peace be upon him from God bless them but Ibrahim may Allah be pleased with him, it is Maria Coptic God bless them and has nothing of the rest wives atomic peace be upon him.

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