With the click of a button delete all your friends on Facebook

With the click of a button delete all your friends on Facebook

 Of characteristics that we lack in social networking site Facebook, is a property delete friends at once, in addition to facilitating the process of deleting some contacts on our calculations across opportunity select multiple friends before deletion, which does not have to border writing this post, where every time you want in "clean" list of contact point then you have to delete the accounts and one after the other, which is somewhat tiring and boring.

For this in this thread you proposed the idea enables you to delete all contacts from your account at the touch of a button one but also enable you to select multiple contacts before Delete All the push of a button. For this purpose you need to add a Delete Facebook Friends that do not work but the presence of added Tampermonkey on Google Chrome or Greasemonkey on Firefox, where after loading and Taatbeth added by browser type then in a second step to download Delete Facebook Friends and add Elymtcefg before going to link friends on Facebook from here, then you will notice select all and delete selected friends
If you want to delete all the friends of Facebook at one click on select all been delete selected friends, either if they wish to choose specific for some contacts on your click the small box in front of each name Todd deleted by clicking on delete selected friends to delete friends. For further explanation and clarification process Continued me easy and simple as Google talk
  First we will start the browser .

google chrome
First hold property :

Pressing Add :

And then we go to the property
Delete Facebook Friends :

Pressure to install
Then complete the process :

After the end of the discovery extension can when entering Buddy List
Notes the emergence of the new property and this property allows you to delete the total identified :

Now explain the process browser
mozilla firefox
And that the same process you just have to download the property

Greasemonkey :

Here have reached the end of the explanation I wish had benefited from Thread
Peace, that ye may the mercy and blessings of God .

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