Ways to succeed in life

Ways to succeed in life

Offer you this topic way to succeed in life, God 

1 - hard work is a force multiplier.
2 - do not participate in recessions.
3 - The exercise for 20 minutes each morning, can make a difference in your life.
4 - If you do not innovate every day, then you are on your way to becoming routine.
5 - If you want to create a high level, you can not recruit a low level.
6 - procrastination is a way of escape for people fearful of doing their best.
7 - give your customers 10 times what they deserve, they Cetkvlon tell people what they know about you.
8 - Do not do anything you do not feel pleasure when he did.
9 - If you are not scared a lot you did not grow to the extent necessary.
10 - invested the time to create new content and great social networks, and base will grow your business quickly and globally.
11 - There was no time coolest of this time to become a socially investor.
12 - There was no time easier than this time to serve a large number of people.
13 - Keep a believer بحلمك and adheres to see you, even if they do not believe in a never بحلمك.
14 - The fastest way to build a distinct work is to accelerate development of driving skill for each member of your team.
15 - work is itself only if you choose to see it as well. Fact that all the action is an opportunity for you to express Abaqratk and a way to inspire others.
16 - people carved into the rock to look for transparency, reliability and social relations, give them what they want.
17 - creativity, such as the harvest comes in seasons, there are times harvested ideas, and times when leaving the field quiet no mobility.
18 - Sometimes it's the best you can do is rest and quiet, and then you brilliant ideas flowing without fatigue.
19 - for each change difficult at the beginning, and chaotic in the middle of it, but certainly a great end. Always remember that without change there is no progress!!
20 - there is always a winner in your area or your business, why do not we have this winner is you?!!
21 - Make your dreams large size, because dreams come true always.
22 - widely always behind achieve excellence rather than chasing perfection.
23 - celebrated small Bantsaratk, it makes you unlock the intraday momentum and positive energy.
24 - hours a day learning anything about your business, which is the best use of your time, because they are paying you because you know more than anyone else.
25 - Why be good at your job if you have access to a degree of potential.
26 - convey your health fitness to a higher level and will move your business to a higher level.
27 - deselect (words victim) of the language, such as: (I can not) (That is not possible) (This is very difficult). And replace words such as: (will do it) (This gorgeous) (and what is the opportunity in this challenge?) . your words to change your life.
28 - If inspired one man every day, the day did not go in vain never.
29 - continue to live in the past is a lack of respect for the future.
30 - Make a great careers, but do not forget your family life, what is the point of becoming a legend in the work, but failed on a personal level.
31 - Onzerfa eyes when you meet people, and smiled at them. Say (please) out of respect for them, and (thank you) in recognition for them.
32 - Go to your appointments early always ahead of time.
33 - the man who tries to do everything not usually accomplish something. Focused .. Focused .. Focused.
34 - consumed the first 90 minutes of your day in the most important business and will rest the rest of your day. (Golden tactic).
35 - spend time out of your day in silence, you will not achieve great works if disturbing noise technology.
36 - The process of goal-setting of the most important works. See the top 5 goals you a daily and monthly basis.
37 - your actions daily promotes true to your beliefs.
38 - to achieve 5% of the results of successful entrepreneurs, you have to have the courage to work 5% of the business they work.
39 - if you join the elite of the business begins when you think you are doing a wonderful job, but now you have achieved to make the best of it.
40 - Keep in mind that best Hdayak is much stronger than the deepest fear in Batnk.
41 - We are all works in human resources, and we pay him to develop the talents of the people who work with them.
42 - Lack of ambition is a mental condition, to avoid this situation passive people Btgnbug.
43 - Be more people you integrity, typically take 30 years to make a reputation and alignment, and 30 seconds to destroy it when the movement is committed silly.
44 - Be a lion, and do not be a sheep!! (Apparently this wisdom taken Robin Arabs!! My own comment)
45 - people always want to pay for a better service or commodity.
46 - The more sincere in the service of others, the more devoted your career and built a better reputation.
47 - problems always come to test the extent that you abide by your goals and your dreams.
48 - as they become more successful, be more hungry for more success.
49 - attended the University of (traffic lights), yes ... took advantage of every moment in your car to learn more and listen to the tapes of human development, to take you to a higher level and refine your skills.
50 - Finally Use your life to make this world a better place to live.
Finally, dear readers I wish you a happy new year be the best years of your age, and I would like to join me Feedback about any of these tactics to inform you and can be considered (golden tactic). Goodbye. 

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