The world 's most dangerous foods

                       The world 's most dangerous foods

 Every people has special features that distinguish it from other, and one of these features is that all the people of rewarding distinctive defines, for example, Italy is famous for pizza, but do you imagine that these foods What is dangerous Gaye and threatening the lives of intake where it could led directly to the death !! If you do not believe this today to offer you the most dangerous list of foods around the world!! . 

1-Thickness Alvogu :

Thickness Alvogu contains much of the poison, which can lead to death, and in the case of cooked incorrectly may lead to death, which is eaten in Japan and is one of the famous dishes and exorbitant price there, knowing that their preparation requires training for many years.

2-Alaki plant

A plant Alaki plant grows in Jamaica and West Africa, and we must be very careful when dealing with because it must eat yellow portion of it only if dealt with the rest of the fruit will develop a sharp drop in circulation, which could lead a person to die because of that decline. 

3- Octopus Alsanakja:

 Dies in Korea six people annually due to eating octopus Alsanakja .And dangerous in those eaters that octopus Hatanh always stick to the wall of the esophagus and lead to suffocation immediately .

4-karzo and  Marzo cheese:

Is a kind of months cheese in Italy, and leaves this cheese outdoor purpose that ferment, and cause the proliferation of many insects upon which causes poisoning the body if handled, and the insects on which they live feed on the intestines, which means death for each person covered. 

O people cuisine customize Ahdro this serious.

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