What does the word kilobytes and megabytes

                      What does the word kilobytes and megabytes

Capacitance measurement units
Per unit of measurement amounts,

Q: - What is the use of sub-units and secondary ((non-core))?
Assuming that a person has a floppy disk and accepted that the capacity of the floppy disk 1.44 MB but that is not the correct number but 1457664, and maybe that number such difficult save, we need to units such as MB, also if we assume that the person who owns Hard Disk Capacity 41111 MB Valojdy this person to say disc drive capacity of 40 GB or 41 GB.

Tertbit units of measurement in the capacity of computers deep in the system accuracy and is also not without complexity.
And number 2 is the basis of this system, because this figure Aabran Unit 1 and 0 and Bit and byte is 8 bits Bytes = 8Bit and from here began staging where anyone stints computer knows and saves these numbers by heart:
X. . . . .2048,1024,512,256,128,64,32,16,8,4,2 X

This is a brief for the units of measurement:

Bit: and is the smallest unit of measurement is called ((bit)), representing shipments.

Byte: is equal to 8 bit and called ((bytes)) It represents letters and numbers.

Kilobyte: equal to 1024 bytes, and is called ((KB)) and here kilobytes in the computer does not equal A, as in kilogram kilometer and works in kilobytes Xrah in a second rate networks and modems.

Megabyte: equal to 1024 KB and called ((MB)) and now works in some Xrah institutions to transfer data and Kmkdar relative to the capacity of programs and CDs.

Gigabyte: equal to 1024 MB and called ((GB)), used often or rather always capacity hard drives and servers giant and DVDs.

Terabyte: equal to 1024 gigabytes and called ((terabytes)) and used in the present day in the laboratories of major corporations such as IBM, Microsft.

These units which Snzla below may not hear them only rarely - it will take time for good until the deal - and are not interested in that, according to my opinion did not get to practice, but and reposed in theory and names keeping with accepted practices by competing companies. May be the main server of the Internet in New York in Manhattan works is sole Balbatabait.

Petabyte: equal to 1024 terabytes, and is called ((PB)).

Exabyte: equal to 1024 petabytes and called ((EB)).

Zitabyte: equal to 1024 exabytes and called (zettabyte).

Yobabyte: equal to 1024 zettabyte and called ((Iobabaat)).

These more accurate information:

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Symbol: B
Arabic name: bytes
The amount of bytes: 1

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Symbol: KB
Arabic name: KB
$ Bytes: 1024

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Symbol: MB
Arabic name: MB
$ Bytes: 1048576

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Symbol: GB
Arabic name: GB
$ Bytes: 1073741824

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Symbol: TB
Arabic name: TB
$ Bytes: 1099511627776

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Symbol: PB
Arabic name: petabytes
$ Bytes: 1125899906842624

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Symbol: EB
Arabic name: EB
$ Bytes: 1,152,921,504,606,846,976

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Symbol: ZB
Arabic name: zettabyte
$ Bytes: 1180591620717411303424

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Symbol: YB
Arabic name: Iobabaat
$ Bytes: 1208925819614629174706176

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