Algeria is preparing to launch a rocket into space

Algeria is preparing to launch a rocket into space

The launch of the third Algerian satellite ALSAT 3 could occur in the month of January 2014 from the launch site Hammaguir (depending Al Abadla), 120 kilometers south-west of Bechar (south-western Algeria). Algerian space launcher is undergoing final preparation. 

This site was hosted from
1952 to 1967, the joint test center spacecraft (CIEES). With four launch ramps, he helped launch the first living beings in the French space program in 1961 and the first French satellite Astérix with a rocket low cost Diamond in 1965 before being abandoned in 1967 in accordance with the Evian Accords . The site is uninhabited since until the construction of an airbase.
Since 2002
, Algeria has decided to develop a space program and a space agency called ASAL (Algerian Space Agency) with the aim to launch 10 satellites into space by 2017. The first Algerian satellite ALSAT 1 was launched 28 November 2002 by COSMOS 3M launcher of Russian Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
The second Algerian satellite ALSAT 2 A, designed to Oran, was launched July 12, 2010 from the website of Sriharikota in Chennai (South-East of India).
Officially, Algeria has no ballistics program and data Algerian ballistic missiles are among the few in the world if not totally unknown. The only available data appear to be obsolete and back to the 80s.
Algeria's decision to develop a space launcher has been no media coverage. Of credible reports intensive efforts provided by the Algerian army to provide information and techniques needed to develop a reliable and economic space launcher from five countries.
Largest country in Africa by area, the needs of Algeria and other observation were felt more sharply during natural disasters and in the multiplication of sources of tension in its geostrategic environment satellites immediate. Algerians also have bad memories of the refusal of some countries to sell their satellite images as part of their relentless fight against terrorism.
If these information are correct and that the launch will take place before
April 2014, Algeria became the surprise guest and unexpected the exclusive club of space powers. 


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