Men only ..Comprehensive Guide for the treatment of " premature ejaculation "

Men only ..Comprehensive Guide for the treatment of " premature ejaculation "

The premature ejaculation one of the sexual problems very common, infecting about 30 to 70% of men around the world, according to statistics from University Medical Center Mayo Clinic of America, and hit pair of frustration, depression, guilt and defiance of his confidence in his ability nationality, and also caused the women's mental health problems , and is what undermines the marital relationship, the two partners and threatens to secede and divorce, so there is nothing wrong discuss these important and serious problem. 

And different bodies and health organizations around the world in the development of a specific definition and clear for premature ejaculation, as pointed out, most of them that it depends largely on the response of the other party in the relationship, and that the term natural intercourse at an average of between two and five minutes, while the problem starts, when he spoke ejaculation process with the pair before the start of the actual process of citizenship or shortly after it began, and of course the other party before entering the "women" in which the end of the relationship, or lack of intimacy for her.

Here's the most prominent and vitamins that contribute to the treatment of premature ejaculation and reduction, and can be addressed, after the exclusion of organic and psychological causes, and through consultation with your doctor. 

: 1. Folic acid Folic acid:

  He contributes as a recently published scientific journal "Medical Hypothesis" in improving human mood, reduce anxiety and mood swings and depression, which is one of the most important causes of premature ejaculation in men, and is recommended to take 400 mg of folic acid on a daily basis.

2. Vitamin "C" vitamin C:

  He contributes thanks to the properties of antioxidant in the removal of lactic acid and free radicals "free radicals" harmful, which accumulate the pelvis and penis with a repeat process ejaculation, cause premature ejaculation, is recommended to take at least 90 mg of vitamin C on a daily basis, and Huma will significantly help to get rid of premature ejaculation with the passage of time. 3

3. Vitamin "E" vitamin E

: And is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants, which has a great ability to get rid of harmful free radicals that contribute to premature ejaculation, and destroys the cells of the walls of the veins and blood penis, and is recommended to take at least 15 mg or 22.5 IU on a daily basis.

  And of very useful tips to get rid of premature ejaculation,

  According to a recently published one of the sites of the American Medical: mitigate as much as possible of anxiety and tension, and especially that they are among the main reasons for premature ejaculation, and also advised to increase the time given to the process of caressing and fondling and kissing as much as possible instead of starting directly in the process of sexual intercourse, and is what will raise the a man's ability to control the ejaculation process, and increases the duration of intercourse actual where there is penetration, and also that sexual satisfaction among women will increase, and the task remains the man to reach out to jerk oestrus and satisfy the needs nationality more easily, and also advised to wear a condom during intimate relationship.

  And of the leading exercises and other methods that contribute to the treatment of premature ejaculation:

1. Control muscle used in ejaculation, where research indicates that the training of a pelvic muscles, which remind later, improves your ability to control the process of ejaculation, and by repeating the process of contraction and extroversion, and can be identified through this muscle from the sudden stop

2. Be sure to practice exercises muscle pelvic mentioned above regularly and on a daily basis, where your blazed for three Aadat succession and then Bbstha, and repeat this movement several times, and tried to increase the number of iterations with the passage of time and drive the length of time that arrest and pulls it this muscle, which will have a great impact in the provisions of your control ejaculation, and sexual conduct of the process in a way that you wish.

  And As for the methods used by the pair through the citizenship process to delay ejaculation include the following:

1. Following the process of foreplay with your wife, start in the process of penetration and awareness Edok anniversary, until you feel the process of landing or near ejaculation, stop for a quick penetration continue for a period of time and repeat this process several times.

2. When feeling to reach the maximum of sexual arousal and approaching occurrence of ejaculation process, drag Edok anniversary and squeeze the introduction of the penis, particularly in the area that meets the penis with the head of the penis or know Balhacvp, and continued in this position do not even feel the need to slander.

3. Continued intercourse again and repeat the process of penetration for 30 seconds, and even if I say the case of penis erection University researchers also confirmed the Mayo Clinic, but that cohabitation must continue anyway and will improve the process of erection with the passage of time.

Repeat the above steps several times until the feeling of imminent occurrence of ejaculation to re-implement steps 2 and 3 again, and with the passage of time will increase your ability to control the process of ejaculation, thanks to the process of the times and the pressure on the front of the penis, which is due her credit for that, and must also take into account that men newlyweds often suffer from premature ejaculation in the beginning, and it is getting better with the passage of time. Not advisable to use paints that are used topically drugs such as lidocaine spray or antidepressant medications and different drugs that delay ejaculation, only after consulting your doctor.

With regard to the latest fashions medical treatment for premature ejaculation, revealed University researchers Creighton America about the effectiveness of clove oil and peppermint oil in it, and confirmed it the latest trend natural to treat the disease, they note that the fat Lists of those oils, an impact Tkhaddaraa and heat to tissues, and cause a sense of a distinct tingling , contributes significantly to the reduction of premature ejaculation, as indicated tests performed on humans. And also praised the researchers much oil, mint, stressing that oils are highly effective in the treatment of premature ejaculation, and works paint the stimulating feeling of tingling or anesthesia; thanks it contains menthol, which reduces the sensitivity of the nerves of the member mentioned, and contributes to prolong the process of citizenship, The study concluded the need to consult a doctor before using these supplements to make sure the integrity of the person from the side of organic and psychological.

And concludes Professor famous American Mark Jenkins, that premature ejaculation is a problem relative, vary between one man and another, and largely depend also on the response of the wife, the other party in the relationship, he said, adding that there is no specific time for the process of sexual Ki say that this man has gone through the task He was able to successfully meet the wishes of his wife or not. And advised Jenkins need to consult your doctor and talk to him at great length about the history of the patients, and the recognition of any emergency problem suffered by the person in recent times, and also stressed that erectile dysfunction may be the factors that caused the injury quickly ejaculation, where the resort of men who suffer from this problem to rapid completion of the intimate relationship once you get an erection strong case, fear of loss, which leads to the occurrence of premature ejaculation.


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