13 Natural Viagra inspired by honey and nuts

13 Natural Viagra inspired by honey and nuts

Proven medical studies that there are foods reduce cholesterol in the blood, which helps to speed the flow of blood in the arteries, as they are easy to burn, so the body can get the energy of them quickly, standing, active and energetic, which is reflected positively on the relations of intimacy between couples, and provides those foods, which works to improve sexual ability for couples Dr. Jamal Shaaban professor Heart Institute, National Heart are as follows: 

- Nuts:

Contains nuts on Omega 3, which is considered among the unsaturated fats, and this component increases the activity of the man significantly.

- Honey:

Contains compounds and foodstuffs given pair shipment of energy and activity, which reflected positively on sexual intercourse.

- Berries

  Describes some berries that Viagra natural for his role in solving the problem of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, for being rich in soluble fiber, which helps push excess cholesterol out of the digestive system, and try eating berries or drinking juice at least three or four times each week.

  - Onions:

Private genitive vinegar or cooked meat increases sexual potency and return it if interrupted.

  - Fish, shrimp and shellfish marine phosphorus:

  Works to strengthen the ability of men sexuality.

  - Parsley seed oil and parsley:

Used in cases of sexual impotence in particular.

  - Celery:

Roots and celery leaves, if eaten raw or with salads, useful in the treatment of impotence.

- Artichoke (artichoke):

  If you eat the roots of the artichoke with honey was a great stimulant for sexual power.

  - Mint:

  Sexy susceptibility sexual emulsifier is prepared by adding 15 grams of mint leaves to a cup of boiling water.

- Lettuce:

  Contains vitamin "e" anti-sterility and private reproduction.

- Cinnamon to stimulate circulation:

Is one of the spices known in the Arab world, and it has many health benefits, most important of which stimulate blood circulation and thus improve the pattern of intimate relationship with a spouse.

  - Bananas:

Helps in reducing cholesterol and blood flow velocity to the genitals.

- Asparagus:

Of the most powerful aphrodisiacs in order to contain vitamin B and folic acid, and the two are raising the level of histamine in the blood, a neurotransmitter that helps to access to sexual ecstasy, also contains a substance (proto Diosen), which works to raise the level of excitement and dealing with ED


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