Benefits eggplant

Benefits eggplant:

Similar to the fruits of eggplant with a lot of tomato fruits Both plants species under the night , which includes in addition to the two cold potatoes , peppers and other.

Benefits eggplant :

  Eggplant is rich in potassium, magnesium, folic acid and fiber and contains phenols and Filawoonoidat resistance to cancer, viruses, and harmful germs and protective of cell damage came to medical attention Balbazngan taking a boost, considering when it was announced, researchers from the Department of Services Research Agriculture Organization of Government for cultivation in the United States to analyze seven types of fruits eggplant between different they all contain high amounts of phenolic compounds antioxidant in all its parts and is originally present in these fruits to protect them from oxidation processes pressing and microbes that invade the fruits of fungi and bacteria .

To note, this article powerful antioxidant is responsible for the taste of bitterness in eggplant fruits and speed change color white pulp to brown when exposed to air segments.

  There is a lot of scientific research on the benefits of eggplant in the prevention of cancer and heart disease .

  Represents the fruits of a little taste of bitterness and textures of spongy eggplant source for high antioxidant substances while he remained locked into long-term illusions rumor that bitter tastes in the cause of cancer or leprosy or insanity.

  Of the most important benefits of eggplant that he generates urine so it is advisable who suffer from urinary tract stones and taking it is useful for those suffering from diarrhea due to dietary fiber it contains eggplant is the process of purification of the intestines and helps kill germs and expelled out of the body.

  According to the eggplant in the treatment of atherosclerosis and can be eaten cooked with food or in the form of pickles or hors d'oeuvres and contributes eggplant in the prevention of obesity or remove obesity because it is low in calories every hundred grams of it contains 29 calories and hampers eggplant transfer of cholesterol from the stomach into the arteries and lowers fat percentage. 

Among the benefits of eggplant also :

• Peel the eggplant contains a substance anthocyanins anti-heart disease .

  • Eggplant telltale fibers of the intestines to help in the process of digestion and waste disposal .

• pleasure eggplant smell of sweat and tightens the stomach and generates urine and prevents headaches. 

• take digest eggplant for at least 4 hours .

• eggplant contains the antioxidant compounds that protect the cells of the human body from damage caused by the food processing. 

• eggplant absorbs fatty substances and toxic quickly.  

  • Eggplant is rich in acid "Kloroujenic" one of the most powerful antioxidants produced by the plant tissue .

• Peel the eggplant protects brain cells from damage .

  • removal of obesity was found to be the property of the eggplant launch enzymes abrasive toxicity and disarmament medicines and harmful chemicals from the body fat .

• found that the compound is present in eggplant belongs to the alkali glucocorticoids may cause cancer cells to kill human liver. 

Tips related to Pantqaúh and storage :

Almost everyone knows that mature over the eggplant and vegetables, but the size of this densely packed in fiber, potassium will help you to know whether or not bitter if left thumb impact on eggplant probably will be tough and bad taste, even if small in size.

  Pick Albaznjanat coherent and smooth with dark pink chaff and avoid cracked or Albaznjanat them with chaff glorious .

Preferably use in cooking eggplant and buy it anyway, but it can be saved in three for a week to be placed in a drawer vegetables.

  Proposals to provide eggplant :

- To remove the bitterness of the eggplant before cooking advised to spray with salt and leave it half an hour and then wash it off .

  - In the countries of the Middle East to attend the eggplant dish stuffed with stuffing mixture of rice, vegetables and meat before cooking them in a spiced broth.

- You can add to eggplant dishes, pans and lasagna and other pasta. 

- You can remove the eggplant pulp and filler cavity winning Balakhaddar and Aljdpinh before putting it in the oven.

Note: Eggplant is not the subject of the benefits of a healthy reference, please see your doctor.

Summary :

. Of the most important benefits of eggplant that his property to release enzymes to remove toxic as well as the killing of human liver cancer cells as well as for heart health .

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