The most romantic restaurant in the world! !Restaurant Hotel Grotta Blazisa were carved inside the cave

The most romantic restaurant in the world! !Restaurant Hotel Grotta Blazisa were carved inside the cave:

Today we see a picture more beautiful when you see the Caves Restaurant distinctive and more amazing were carved inside the cave!! This wonderful restaurant is located in the town of Cave b Bolliejnaro Amar Italian restaurant that is part of the Hotel Grotta Blazisa and who exploit the cave and build a unique restaurant that offers its customers a chance to eat foods inside a cave overlooking the sea!! And find exactly the bottom of the hotel restaurant, which was designed on the rocks is fully unique. 

 you customers that the restaurant you will have great views of the Adriatic Sea, one of the branches of the Mediterranean Sea that separates the Italian Peninsula from the Balkan Peninsula. The amazing thing is that it is designed so the restaurant, highly creative in order to suit and Eetmashi with the nature of the atmosphere inside the cave and offer you several pictures of the restaurant. 


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